Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia 4th of July Recipes
It’s Saturday morning July 1st and yes we are in the office seeing people. Helping everyone achieve their weight loss, health and fitness goals. So many people came into the office today telling me how much they enjoyed the sushi recipe that I recently posted.
So I have decided to post a few more recipes today that are Paleo and Vegan-friendly and also quick and easy to make. Two of the recipes I am posting are for a Caesar dressing and for guacamole. These two recipes are loaded with great tasting vegetables and spices and personally I think they taste better than the store-bought versions. And they are definitely more healthy for you. I’m also going to give you the recipes for Honey Drizzled Romaine Lettuce Wraps and Ashley’s Super Salad.
These recipes taste fantastic and they are all paleo and vegan friendly. And if you are not following a Paleo or vegan diet it doesn’t matter because these recipes just taste so good and as an extra bonus they will help you lose weight.
If you are new to our website and would like more information on our medically supervised prescription weight loss program just call us at 215-821-7336 and Lisa would be more than happy to schedule your weight loss consultation.
And now here are the recipes:
Honey Drizzled Romaine Lettuce Wraps
- Romaine lettuce leaves – 5 large romaine lettuce leaves
- Raw almond butter – 5 tablespoons of raw almond butter
- Honey – 3 teaspoons of raw honey
This is a super simple easy and delicious recipe to make. Just take 1 tbsp of the almond butter and spread it all over your lettuce leaf and take ½ Teaspoons of the raw honey and poured over top and then just roll up the leaf and enjoy.
Ashley’s Super Salad Recipe
- Romaine lettuce – ½ pound
- Grape tomatoes – 1 cup sliced in half
- Raisins – 1 cup
- Apple – 1 large apple – diced
- Scallions – 3 tablespoons of chopped scallions
- Chives – 2 tablespoons of chopped chives
- Red or yellow pepper – 1 large chopped and diced
- Cucumber – 1 large cucumber peeled and chopped
- Basil – ¼ cup – fresh basil is preferred
Stir all of the above ingredients is a large bowl and serve with your favorite salad dressing.
Caesar Dressing
- cold pressed olive oil- ¼ cup
- garlic – 2 cloves of chopped garlic
- Celery – 4 stalks of celery cut in half
- Water – 1/2 cup of water
- lemon juice – ¼ cup of fresh lemon juice
- Soy sauce – ¼ cup og low sodium soy sauce
- Sweet miso – 2 tbsps
- Dates – 5
- Pepper – fresh ground pepper to taste
Combine all of the ingredients in an airtight jar and shake well until all of the ingredients are blended nicely. This makes about 3 cups of dressing and it’s best to keep it refrigerated for about 5 days.
- Avocados – 3 chopped
- Limes – squeeze the juice of 2 large limes
- Onion – ¼ cup of chopped red onion
- Grape tomatoes – 1 cup of grape tomatoes sliced in half
- Peppers – either red or yellow ½ cup chopped
- Cilantro – chop up ½ buch
- Salt to taste
- Swerve – ½ tsp
- Olive oil – just a little bit – about ½ tsp
Too make this recipe all that you have to do is combine all of the ingredients into a large bowl. If you like you can mash the avocados or just put everything into a Nutribullet or something like that. This recipe makes approximately two cups of guacamole.
So there we have it four great recipes that taste good and will also help you achieve your health and weight loss goals. I decided to put the Caesar dressing and the guacamole recipe in this post because a lot of new patients have been coming into the practice and for the most part they are eating a good diet but some of the things that most people seem to be getting wrong are the types of salad dressing and dips they are using. And that’s why some of my more recent posts have included recipes for diet friendly dressing and dips.
If you, a loved one or co-worker would like more information on our medical weight loss program I invite you to call and speak with Lisa and she will schedule you for a complimentary consultation. Just call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule your visit with us.
Have a great weekend and a Happy 4th of July!
- Published in Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia PA, Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia, weight loss philadelphia
Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia Late Night Veggie Sushi Recipe
Hi everyone Dr. Kenny here. Well it’s 11:15 PM Wednesday night and I am here on our website posting this recipe because it was so good I could not wait until tomorrow morning to share it with all of you. Today was another great day at our Medical Weight Loss Center with lots of happy patients losing weight. We finished seeing patient at 9:00 PM and that means I arrived at home at 10:00 PM. I was hungry but didn’t want anything too heavy so my wonderful wife, Elyse, surprised me with a wonderful new recipe. She made me a Raw Sushi Roll.
But instead of using raw fish she used raw vegetables and it was so delicious. So much so that I had to type up this article and posted on our website.
So here is the recipe:
The ingredients are as follows:
- nori seaweed sheets – 4 sheets
- bib lettuce leaves – 4 leaves
- alfalfa sprouts – 2 cups
- julienned cucumbers – one large cucumber
- shredded carrot – one large carrot
My wife made this recipe by taking the nori sheet and just spreading it out in front of you and then lay one leaf of the lettuce across the nori sheet. Next very gently take all of the vegetables noted above and spread them out on top of your lettuce leaf. And then just roll the nori sheet around all of your vegetables. Just make sure that it’s rolled tight. Now all that you have to do is take some water and moisten the end of the sheet and seal it and fold it up just like you would fold or close an envelope.
Then take a sharp knife and you can slice your roll into pieces. Now you just have to dip it into one of the delicious salad dressing recipes that I have here on the site and enjoy. Since this sushi is mainly vegetables you can eat as much of it as you like. I hope you will enjoy this recipe because I really did this evening. If you, a friend, loved one or coworker need help with losing weight I invite you to call and schedule your complementary weight loss consultation. Call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule your consultation now.
4 Recipes to Cleanse Your Body and Burn Fat by Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia
2017 looks to be our busiest year ever and I thank all of our patients that have referred their family and friends and I also thank all of the Doctors in the area that have referred their patients to us so that we may help them lose weight and improve their health and wellness. The Doctors are very happy and pleased that our Physicians are up to date with the current research and studies concerning the treatment of obesity and how we apply this to our weight loss treatment protocols for our patients. In talking with the family doctors that send their patients to us for weight loss we realized that one of their most common concerns is that their patients are confused when it comes to eating a good healthy diet. Their concern is that so many of their patients are looking for nutrition from some type of shake or protein bar and they have forgotten about eating real food. So in this article I am going to give you 4 super quick and easy simple recipes that you can make just with a blender or nutribullet. What’s even better is that these recipes are made with lots of good healthy vegetables that provide you with mega doses of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that will help you lose weight and improve your health as well. If this is your first time coming to our website and you need more information just call us and schedule your consultation. Call us at 215-821-7336 and we will be glad to set up your complimentary consultation. Now here are those fantastic recipes I told you about:
Lettuce or celery – 1 head
kale – 6 stalks
apples – 1 – 2
lemon – one large lemon cut into slices
ginger – 1 – 2 tablespoons
Place each of the above items one at a time into a blender or juicer or nutribullet and liquefy each one. This is a great recipe that provides you with mega doses of vitamins and minerals and it’s also great for cleansing your system.
Perfect Salad Dressing
lemons – 3 large lemons
cloves of garlic – 3 cloves of garlic
Ginger – 3 tablespoons of minced ginger
soy sauce – 3 tablespoons of soy sauce
honey – 3 tablespoons of raw honey
Olive oil – 1.5 cups
This is a fantastic salad dressing place each of the ingredients except for the oil into the blender and then blend after everything is mixed nicely slow to delete and the oil until everything is combined together nicely. Make sure that you keep this in the refrigerator.
Ashley’s Soup Recipe
alfalfa sprouts – 1 cup
dates – 6 dates
pineapple – 2 cups
kale – 1 handful
mint – 1 – 2 tablespoons
Just add all of the ingredients into a blender and blend until everything is liquefied. I usually enjoy this the most when I eat it immediately after it is made. This makes approximately two servings.
Lisa’s Mega Soup
Alfalfa sprouts – 1 cup
strawberries – 3 cups
raw honey – 2 tablespoons
Stevia – 3 – 5 packets
lettuce of any type – 1 head
Combine all of the ingredients into a blender and blend until everything is nicely combined and liquefied. This makes approximately 2 servings
These recipes are super healthy and nutritious and they are quite tasty as well. When my children are home we can’t keep enough of these vegetables in the house and my wife has to go food shopping almost every other day.
If you or your friends need help with losing weight just call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule your complimentary weight loss consultation
Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia’s Fat Burning Chocolate Pudding & Pumpkin Cupcake Recipes
In our Philadelphia medical weight loss program we believe that our patients are so successful at losing weight because in addition to providing them with high quality FDA approved weight loss medications and appetite suppressant medications we also work with them in developing the right diet plan/meal plan for them. Our patients tell us that the weight loss pills do a great job of controlling their appetite and this enables them to make the right food choices and follow all of the recommendations that we gave them. The combination of the weight loss medications, vitamin B12 injection therapy, sensible eating plans and walking is a safe and effective way for you to lose weight. If you would like more information on our weight loss program is a call at 215-821-7336 and schedule your free weight loss consultation.
Now I’m going to give you three great recipes. I’m giving you the recipes for a blueberry and coconut smoothie, a low-carb pumpkin cupcake recipe and a low-carb chocolate pudding recipe.
Here are the recipes:
Blueberries & Coconut Smoothie
- Ingredients:
- unsweetened shredded coconut – 3 tablespoons
- unsweetened almond milk – three-quarter cups
- Total Solutions vanilla protein powder – 1 or 2 scoops
- chunks of frozen zucchini – 1 cup
- frozen cauliflower – ½ cup
- frozen blueberries – ½ cup
- cinnamon – 1 teaspoon
Let’s begin this recipe by mixing your almond milk and shredded coconut into a blender. Blend this for about 30 seconds. After that just put all of the other ingredients into the blender. I word highly recommend that the pulse setting and blend everything until it’s nice and creamy. This will give you more of a thick consistency and if you prefer to have it be a bit more liquid just added more unsweetened almond milk until you have the consistency that you prefer.
Low Carb Chocolate Pudding
- Ingredients:
- unsweetened almond milk – 2 cups
- sweetener – ⅓ cup
- unsweetened cocoa powder – 3 tbsps
- chia seeds – ¼ cup
This is a really fantastic recipe and it’s so easy to make. Just take all of the above ingredients put them into a nice sized bowl and mix them together until everything is blended nicely. After everything is totally combined all you have to do is put into the refrigerator and let it chill overnight. This recipe makes approximately 2 servings each of them having about 15 grams of carbohydrates, 12 grams of fat and about 8 grams of protein.
Pumpkin Cupcakes Low Carb Style
- Ingredients:
- pumpkin puree – 2 cups
- almond meal – 1 cup
- coconut flour – ⅔ cup
- Stevia – 1 cup
- pumpkin spice – 1 tbsp
- cinnamon – 1½ teaspoons
- vanilla – 2 tsps
- salt – ½ tsps
- baking soda – ½ tsps
- eggs – 2 large
This is a wonderful recipe and it’s one of my go to snacks. Let’s begin by preheating your oven to 350°F. Take a muffin pan and place cupcake liners in each slot. Then take a good-sized bowl and whisk together the eggs, Stevia and pumpkin until it’s nice and puffy. After that stir in all of the other ingredients until everything is thoroughly blended together. Now all that you have to do is pour the batter into each muffin pan and bake this for about a half hour to 40 minutes just until it is thoroughly cooked and if you stick a toothpick in it a comes out totally clean. Now all you have to do is just let this cool down for about 15 minutes.
So there you have it, 3 great low-carb recipes that will help you lose weight safely and effectively. And don’t worry I know these recipes taste too good to be diet food but as long as you stick with our weight loss program you should be fine.
If you, a loved one, a friend or coworker need help losing weight or just improving your overall health and wellness I invite you to give us a call and schedule your free consultation. Call us now at 215-821-7336 and let us help you reach your goals.
Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia’s 4 Smoothies for Fast Weight Loss
If this is your first time visiting our site I invite you to call and schedule your free weight loss consultation for more information on our medically supervised prescription weight loss program. If you are looking for the best Phila weight loss and diet doctors call us and let us help you achieve your weight loss goals. Our diet plan includes your consult with the Physician, FDA approved appetite suppressant medications, weight loss pills and diet pills, vitamin B-12 injections therapy as well as rapid weight loss diet plans and simple exercise protocols that are designed to help you lose weight fast without starving yourself. So call us now and schedule your free weight loss consultation. Call us at 215-821-7336.
And when you join our weight loss program please remember to come back to this site at least once every other week and look over the great recipes that we have posted here for you. Every week we try to update this site with everything from low-calorie recipes to sugar free dessert recipes. So make sure you come back at least once every other week.
Here are four smoothie recipes that are weight loss patients have shared with us:
Raisins and Cherries Smoothie
Greens – 3 handfuls
Coconut milk – 1 cup
Almond milk – 1 cup
cherries – 2 cups
raisins – 1/2 cup
oats – 1 cup of oats
Combine all of the ingredients into a blender and enjoy!
Blueberries Peaches Bananas and Kale Smoothie
Greens – 3 handfuls of greens
water – 1.5 cups
almond milk – 1 cup
peaches – 1 cup – fresh or frozen peaches
banana – 1 banana preferably frozen
oats – 1 cup
almonds – 1/4 cup of almonds
blueberries – 1/4 cup of blueberries – fresh or frozen
Combine everything into a blender, blend and enjoy!
Blueberry Delight Smoothie
spinach – 2 cups of spinach
water – 2 cups of water
blueberries – 1 cup of frozen blueberries
banana – one banana
Combine everything into a blender and enjoy!
Coconut Peaches Spinach Smoothie
kale or spinach – 3 handfuls
water – 1.5 cups
coconut milk – 1 cup of unsweetened coconut milk
peaches – 1 cup of frozen peaches
Stevia – 1 packet of Stevia
Solutions 4 protein powder – 1 scoop, I like the vanilla protein powder with this recipe
Combine all of the above ingredients into a blender – blend away and enjoy!
So there you have it four great smoothie recipes that are delicious and will help you achieve your weight loss goals. If you would like to schedule your free weight loss consultation just call us now at 215-821-7336 and Lisa will be glad to set up your appointment for you.
3 Guilt Free Recipes to Help You Lose LBS & Inches by Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia
This article is for all of our wonderful patients in our Philadelphia Medical Weight Loss Program that came in this past Saturday and requested that I post a recipe for chocolate brownies, chocolate ice cream and good healthy protein bars that taste like dessert. So here our recipes for a Paleo Chocolate Brownie, Paleo Chocolate Ice Cream and Paleo Cookies and Cream Protein Bars. And the best part is that you don’t have to bake any of these goodies. If you are new to our weight management program I invite you to call and schedule a consultation with our weight loss team. Call 215-821-7336 and schedule your consultation now.
Here are the great recipes:…
Brownies – Paleo Style
- Ingredients For the Brownie Batter:coconut flour – 1 cup
- cocoa powder – 1 cup
- Total solutions 4 protein powder – 2 scoops chocolate
- butter – 1 cup
- sugar free maple syrup – 1.5 cups
- mashed sweet potato – 1 cup
- sugar free almond milk – 1 teaspoon
- For the frosting you can use any sugar free chocolate frosting.
Take a 8 x 8 inch pan and line it with parchment paper. Mix the protein powder, cocoa powder and mashed sweet potato in a large bowl. Make sure that it’s smooth and not lumpy. In another bowl stir in the syrup and butter. You might have to microve them a bit so it mixes nicely. Combine the ingredients of both bowls and stir until it’s combined nicely. Now just pour the mixture into the pan and refrigerate. Allow it to become firm then add the frosting over top. Set it back in the refrigerator to set a bit more… Then enjoy!.
Cookies and Cream Protein Bars
I have to tell you that this is a fantastic recipe and it’s especially good after a good workout. And these protein bars are going to be gluten-free, dairy free, sugar free and vegan.
- Ingredients:
- coconut flour – 1 cup
- almond flour – 1/2 cup
- total solutions 4 vanilla protein powder – 1/2 cup
- Stevia or any other type of sweetener – 2 tablespoons
- vegan – gluten-free – dairy free – sugar-free chocolate sandwich cookies – 2 – 3
- any type of not butter – 1/2 cup
- sugar-free maple syrup – 1/2 cup
- any type of dairy free milk such as sugar-free almond milk – 1 tablespoon
Let’s start by taking a lower baking dish grease it and then line it with parchment paper and then grease the parchment paper and set this bowl on the side. Then take the granulated sweetener, protein powder, sugar free chocolate cookies that we have broken into large chunks or larger crumbs in the flour until a large microwavable safe bowl and mix itre. In another microwave safe bowl add the liquid sweetener and butter until it’s totally melted. Then pour your mixture into the dry mixture and stir it until everything mixes nicely together. It should be a bowl of large crumbs. Next add your milk preferably a couple tablespoons at a time while stirring it will form a nice thick batter. Now all that we have to do is take this mixture and pour it into your baking dish and press it down. Then just refrigerate this for at least 30 minutes.
Chocolate Ice Cream
- Ingredients:
- banana – 2 – 3 bananas
- any type of not butter such as cashew or almond butter – 1 – 2 tablespoons
- cocoa powder – 2 tablespoons
First cut your bananas into slices and place these into the freezer and give them time enough to freeze. Your bananas have to be frozen before you begin making this recipe. Now and your frozen bananas into a blender and blend them for about 8 test 10 seconds and then pour in the almond butter and cocoa powder. After that I usually like to polls the blender so that everything blends together nicely. Then just pour into a bowl and enjoy.
If you need help or loved one needs help losing weight call us and schedule your weight loss consultation. Call us now at 215-821-7336.
Or for more information on our Philadelphia weight loss program just give us a call and we can tell you all about it. Call 215-821-7336.
Our program includes an initial medical consultation and evaluation and we may use weight loss pills, diet pills, appetite suppressant medications, vitamin B12 injections, sensible meal plans, exercise plans and even meal replacement programs. We will do our very best to help you lose weight and improve your health and wellness. We also have programs for improving muscle mass and with the proper nutrition most people experience a nice boost in their energy levels.
Call us now and let us help you achieve your health and fitness goals.
Sweet Treat Recipes For Fast Weight Loss by Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia
If you are one of our Philadelphia Medical Weight Loss patients you know that you need to eat if you want to lose fat and build muscle. You have to eat foods that will help you develop a sleek and slender physique. and in our Philadelphia weight loss program in addition to providing you with high quality FDA approved appetite suppressant medications, weight loss pills, diet pills and vitamin B12 injection therapies we show you the foods that you should be eating to help you achieve your goals.
So many people come to our program thinking that If they have to be on a diet that restricts foods that actually taste good and stay away from the foods that most of us enjoy. And they’re presently surprised when we tell them that they can eat lots of great tasting delicious food and still lose weight while being on our program. The people are usually totally surprised when they visit our website and find recipes for low calorie lasagna and sugar-free cheesecakes of all type as well as lots of other sugar-free desserts and low calorie entrees. So with that being said if you are new to our program and would like more information call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule a free consultation.
And here are three great recipes for Sweet Treats that you can enjoy and lose weight while on our program. The recipes are for a chocolate crisps bar, blueberry cheesecake and a peanut butter cheesecake
Chocolate Crisps Bar Recipe
- Cereal – Rice Chex – 3 cups
- Sugar free chocolate chips – 1.5 cups
- 1 cup Peanut Butter or any other nut butter
- Maple syrup sweetened with monk fruit – 1.5 cups
- Butter or coconut oil – ¼ cup
Start by taking a 8 x 8-inch deep dish or deep baking tray and line it with parchment paper and set this on the side. Take a large mixing bowl and add the cereal into it. Next add all of the other ingredients into a bowl that is microwave safe and microwave this until everything has melted nicely. Then remove it from the microwave and stir everything together till it’s totally combined.
Now take this wet mixture and pour it over top of your cereal in the other Bowl and stir everything until it’s mixed well together. After then just pour it onto your parchment lined baking tray and place it into the refrigerator and keep it there until it’s very firm. When it’s totally firm take it out of the refrigerator and slice it into bars, Then enjoy!
Blueberry Cheesecake with Pita chips
- For the cheesecake:
- Greek – 1 cup
- Coconut flour – 1 tablespoon sifted
- Stevia or Truvia – 1-2 tablespoons
- Vanilla protein powder – 1 scoop
- Blueberries – 1 cup
- For the pita chips
- Flatout flatbread – 1 whole flat bread
- Cinnamon – 1 teaspoon
- Coconut butter – 1 tablespoon melted
- Vanilla extract – 1/8 teaspoon
- Coconut oil – 1/8 tsp
For the blueberry cheesecake:
Put your yogurt, coconut flour, protein powder, sweetener and half of your blueberries into a bowl and stir everything till it’s mixed very well together. When it’s totally mixed together just add the remaining blueberries over top. Take this mixture and place it in the refrigerator and let it cool.
To make the chips:
To make your pita chips preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and line a baking tray with parchment paper. Take your flat out wrap and cut it into small square pieces. spray them with any type of cooking spray and sprinkle your cinnamon over top. Please this in the oven and let it bake anywhere from 7 minutes to 10 minutes or for as long as it takes for them to become crispy and then take them out of the oven and set them on the side and let them cool down. All you have to do now is add your cocoa butter and to a small bowl and mix in your vanilla extract. Just make sure that it’s all stirred together nicely. You can drizzle this over top of your pita chips. I usually like to make the blueberry cheesecake mixture in the afternoon or evening and let it cool overnight so that it has a bit thicker consistency when I eat it.
Keto Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake
- Greek yogurt or Cottage cheese – 1 cup
- Powdered peanut butter – 2 tablespoons
- Cocoa powder – 1 tablespoon
- Stevia or Truvia or Swerve -1 tablespoon
- Peanut butter – 1 tablespoon
Take a bowl and add your sweetener, powdered peanut butter and cocoa powder and mix everything together nicely. When everything is totally combined stir in your yogurt and mix everything until your yogurt thickens. It will look and feel like pudding. Next stir in your peanut butter.You may now eat it or you can place it in the refrigerator and let it become cool.
I have to tell you that I personally have enjoyed each and every one of these recipes and they are totally delicious! I hope you enjoy these recipes as much as I do. And if you, a friend or loved one need help with achieving your weight loss, health and wellness goals – I invite you to call us and schedule your free consultation. Call us now at 215-821-7336 for your free weight loss consultation. Thank you!
The Best Fruits for Maximum Weight Loss by Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia
If you’re looking to lose weight or maintain your weight loss you should be eating fruits that are relatively low in carbohydrates. And even though these fruits are lower in carbohydrates if you are weight loss resistant or insulin resistant you have to be very careful in the amount of fruit that you are consuming on a daily basis.
If you need help achieving your weight loss goals and/or improving your overall health and wellness I invite you to call us and schedule a free consultation. Call us at 215-821-7336 and we will be happy to schedule your free consultation. In addition to helping people lose weight we also provide aesthetic medicine procedures such as Botox and we can also help you improve your athletic performance and increase your energy levels through the use of Optimum Nutrition.
Here is a list of the top low carbohydrate fruits:
- Raspberries, ½ cup of raspberries has approximately 3 grams of carbohydrates.
- Blackberries, ½ cup of blackberries has approximately 4 grams of carbohydrates.
- Strawberries, 1/2 cup of strawberries has approximately 6 grams of carbohydrates.
- Blueberries, ½ cup of blueberries has approximately 6 grams of carbohydrates.
- Plum, 1 medium size Plum has approximately 7 grams of carbohydrates.
- Kiwi, 1 medium sized kiwi has approximately 8 grams of carbohydrates.
- Cherries, 1/2 cup of cherries has approximately 8 grams of carbohydrates.
- Cantaloupe, 1 Cup diced cantaloupe has approximately 11 grams of carbohydrates.
- Peach, 1 medium sized Peach has about 13 grams of carbohydrates.
So there you have it, a list of the best low carbohydrate fruits.
if you need help losing weight or improving your overall health and wellness or athletic performance I invite you to call us and schedule your free consultation. Call us now at 215-821-7336
How They Get Thin Fast with Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia
In our Philadelphia medical weight loss center we try to provide the best FDA approved weight loss medications, appetite suppressant medications diet pills weight loss pills and of course we do use the vitamin B-12 injections and instruct you are patients in good solid nutritional plans and exercise plans to help you lose weight and achieve your health and wellness goals.
And every time I am talking with one of our patients I am always getting feedback as to what they are trying to do; either burn extra body fat, told their muscles up a bit or you may be trying to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. And of course I’m always getting requests from our patients for certain types of recipes, some patients might ask for extra smoothie recipes while others might be asking for more recipes on low carbohydrate recipes or just low-calorie recipes. For the past couple weeks everyone has been asking me for more smoothie recipes. It seems that our weight loss patients are looking for recipes that are quick and easy to make and going to provide them with lots of good healthy powerful nutrition. And also help satisfy their hunger and cravings.
So with that being said, today I am giving you some really great smoothie recipes loaded with vegetables and fruit that should provide your body with a tremendous amount of healthy nourishment and help satisfy your hunger and your tastebuds at the same time.
Now, please be aware that for beverages in the smoothies I used different types of nut milks, and if you are allergic to nuts you definitely do not want to use these beverages you can use any other type of beverage to replace them. To make it nice and easy you can use water.
I am going to give you some on additional ingredients you can add to any of these smoothies. For extra protein you can use a low-carb low sugar type of protein powder such as our solutions for awesome fantastic wonderful protein powder meal replacement powder, hemp seeds, grass fed gelatin and way. For healthy fats you can use coconut oil, flax oil, coconut butter, avocados, Chia seeds, flax seeds, and extra nuts and seeds.
And here are some additional flavor boosters and super foods that you can add to the smoothies as well: Chia seeds, fresh ginger, hemp seeds, acai powder, cacao or cacao nibs, maca powder, ground flax seeds, spirulina, bee pollen, shredded coconut, cinnamon, vanilla extract, vanilla bean, chlorophyll and lucama powder.
Lots of these ingredients can be purchased at your local supermarket and especially at your local health food store.
Spinach Bomb
- 3 cups of spinach
- 2 cups of unsweetened almond milk
- 1 small banana
- Blend and enjoy.
Nutty Kale Smoothie
- 3 cups of kale
- 2 cups of unsweetened cashew milk
- 1 cup of berries either fresh or frozen
- Blend and enjoy.
The Not for Breakfast Only Smoothie
- 3 cups of collard greens
- 2 cups of unsweetened almond milk
- 1 cup of mango chunks
- Blend and enjoy.
Amanda Smoothie
- 3 cups of lettuce
- 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
- 1 cup of Kiwi
- Blend and enjoy.
Peace and Harmony Smoothie
- 3 cups of dandelion greens
- 2 cups of iced green tea
- 1 cup of papaya
- Blend and enjoy.
Macy’s Smoothie
- 1 cup of watercress
- 2 cups of Kefir
- 1 cup of are ready slices
The Skinny Smoothie
- 2 cups of celery
- 2 cups of unsweetened almond milk
- 1 cup of fresh or frozen peaches
- Blend and enjoy.
The Spa Smoothie
- 2 cups of cucumbers
- 2 cups of full fat unsweetened Greek yogurt preferably organic
- 1 cup of BlackBerries fresh or frozen
- Blend and enjoy.
So there you have it, some really great recipes that will help give your body a tremendous boost of good healthy nutrition, help satisfy your appetite and cravings and help improve your overall health and wellness. All in addition to helping you achieve your weight loss goals. If you, a family member, a friend, a coworker or loved one need help with losing weight I invite you to call us and schedule your free weight loss consultation. And please remember that in addition to helping weight loss we also provide additional services like Botox, fillers, and nutritional cleansing programs and programs designed to help improve energy and overall health and wellness. So call us now and schedule your free consultation call us at 215-821-7336
How Jamie Lost Over 40 lbs with Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia

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Welcome to our Philadelphia weight loss practice. If you are new to our Medical Weight Loss Management Program call us for a free weight loss consultation. Call us at 215-821-7336 and we will be glad to schedule you for a free consultation and give you all the information on our program. Jamie has dropped over 40 lbs with our medical weight loss program using the best FDA approved medical weight loss pills, appetite suppressant medications and diet pills, vitamin injection therapies and of course a simple nutritional plans that consist of a sensible eating program that we designed for her.
We also made an exercise plan for her. And by following all of our recommendations she has lost over 40 lbs and kept it off.
We also offer nutritional cleansing and nutritional detox programs as well. If you are looking to lose weight or help with improving your overall health and wellness we have programs that can help most people.
So call us and schedule your free consultation call 215-821-7336.
If you are already one of our weight loss patients I know you were coming to our website today looking for our weekly updates of weight loss recipes.
Today, I have 4 totally fantastic recipes for you today and they are: Avocado Egg Cups, Cheesey Zucchini Hashbrowns, Antipasto and Cheese Wrapped in Prosciutto and Fried.
Of course these are not your typical diet foods and that’s part of what makes our program so unique from other Philadelphia DIet Programs.
Here are the recipes:
Avocado Egg Cups*
- Ingredients:
- a large avocado sliced in half and remove the pit
- eggs – 2 large eggs
- fresh ground black pepper and sea salt
- Additional Ingredients
- tomato – 1/4 cup of diced tomato
- red onion – 1 tablespoon of diced onion
- any herb that you like – parsley or cilantro or any other herb of your choice
Start by preheating your oven to 350°F. Place your avocado hands with the cut side up in a baking dish or any other type of oven safe skillet. Crack open your egg and place it into the center and each of the avocado halves and then sprinkle your pepper and salt over top. Next let’s place this any of and for approximately 13 – 21 minutes – until the eggs cooked. When it is finished cooking just take it out of the oven and top it with any of the other additional toppings or even some of your own toppings that you really like.
This recipe makes two servings each of them has approximately 470 cal, 9 grams of protein and approximately 10 grams of carbohydrates. Go to sleep
Cheesey Zucchini Hashbrowns*
- Ingredients:
- zucchini – 4 cups of shredded zucchini
- Sea salt – 2 teaspoons
- egg – 1 large egg beaten
- Parmesan cheese – 1/4 cup of grated Parmesan cheese
- green onion – 2 tablespoons of chopped green onion
- black pepper – 1/2 teaspoon
- butter – 1/4 cup
- hollandaise
This is a really great recipe let’s begin by taking the zucchini and mixing them in a bowl with the salt. After everything is mixed together nicely just let this sit for about 14 minutes. And then drain any extra liquid out of it. Next we and add the pepper, egg, green onion and Parmesan cheese and mix everything together well. After that place a skillet over medium – high heat, allow the butter to melt and make do zucchini mixture into 4 portions. They should be about 2.5 inches in diameter and a half inch thick. Put them in your pan and let them fry for about 5 minutes per side or for as long as it takes until they are nice and golden brown. Then remove them from the pan and place them on a cooling rack. After the cool down a little bit you can serve them with the holiday sauce.
This recipe makes four cakes and that equals four servings each serving has about 440 cal, 3 grams of protein and about 2 grams of carbohydrates.
- Ingredients:
- mozzarella cheese – 12 ounces of fresh mozzarella cheese sliced
- extra-virgin olive oil – 2 tablespoons
- chopped fresh basil – 2 tablespoons
- oregano – 2 tablespoons
- ground black pepper and sea salt to taste
- olive – 27 pitted
- salami – 4 ounces thinly sliced
This of course is one of my all-time favorites! First I like to take the cheese slices and place them nicely on a platter and then drizzle the olive oil over top and of course sprinkle over top the oregano, black pepper, basil and salt. Now I just add the salami and the olives and it’s ready to serve. This recipe makes about 6 servings each of them has approximately 280 cal, 4 grams of carbohydrates and 18 grams of protein.
Cheese Wrapped in Prosciutto and Fried*
- Ingredients:
- coconut oil or olive oil – 2 tablespoons
- unsalted butter – 2 tablespoons
- frozen string cheese – 8 pieces
- prosciutto – 8 slices that are very thin
- any type of herbs that you like – oregano, tarragon, thyme or even sage.
- Marinara sauce
Of course this is another one of my all-time favorites! First I take up and and I heat the oil over medium heat. Then I unwrapped the cheese. Now comes the fun part, wrapped each piece of cheese with one slice of prosciutto making sure that you wrap up the entire piece of cheese including the ends. If you like you can actually now sprinkle your chopped herbs for more of the crust. Then just take each piece of the frozen cheese wrapped in the prosciutto and place it in the pan and just fry it. Make sure that you are turning it often until it becomes a bit crisp and the cheese starts to soften. This happened very quickly you should only take a few minutes. Now all you have to do is set them all the platter let them cool down a bit and you could dip them in the marinara sauce. I do have to say once again this is one of my all-time favorite recipes. This recipe makes eight pieces and two of the make up a serving. Each serving has about 18 grams of protein, 330 cal and 2 grams of carbohydrates.
So there you have four great recipes that are lower in carbohydrates and recipes that are not usually considered diet food.
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