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Hi everyone, in today’s article I’m going to give you some really good recipes for smoothies and juices. Each of these recipes will give you two to three servings and you can always add ice to them to turn them into a nutrient loaded smoothie. If you are just drinking the message you so you can also add water if they are too sweet for you. If you’re watching your sugar please make sure that you cut these recipes with water Or just decrease the amounts of fruit.
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Here are the recipes:
Blackberry Apple Smash
- 2 apples
- 2 handfuls of blackberries
- Combine everything into a blender and enjoy. This recipe is loaded with beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin B3, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and potassium.
Apple Pie in a Glass II
- 2 apples
- ¼ teaspoon of ground cinnamon
- Combine everything in a blender and enjoy. This recipe will give you plenty of beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin B3, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.
Apples and Blueberries
- 2 apples
- 2 handfuls of blueberries
- This sweet recipe gives you beta-carotene, biotin, folic acid, vitamin B1, B2, B6, Cand E and also calcium, chromium and magnesium.
Raspberry Apple Dream
- 2 apples
- 2 handfuls of raspberries
- This is a great recipe that will give you beta-carotene, biotin, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and potassium .
Strawberry Apple Supreme
- 2 apples
- 2 handfuls of strawberries
- This nutritious recipe will give you beta-carotene, biotin, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and potassium .
For more information about our weight loss program call us at 215-821-7336.