Oprah Winfrey and Weight Watchers By Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia
When you come in you are:
- Evaluated by a M.D.
- Given weight-loss pills – appetite suppressant medications to help control your hunger and cravings.
- Given a vitamin B12 injection that will help boost your energy levels.
- Given a diet plan that has been designed specifically for you.
And we have support materials like this website and our YouTube channel where we are constantly giving you lots of delicious recipes that range from: smoothies, appetizers, entrées, desserts etc.
We now have over 380 recipe videos on youtube. In our weight loss program you see a medical doctor that will evaluate you and make sure that you are doing the right type of program to help you lose weight.
And in order to design the most perfect weight loss nutrition plan for you we also have you fill out a metabolism profile questionnaire and take into consideration your age, overall health and level of physical activity. Your plan is designed specifically for you.
Because of our medical training we realize that for you to lose weight it’s not just about counting calories, points and portion control. All of the other things that I mentioned above like your age, level of physical fitness and any health issues that you might have all need to be taken into consideration in order for you to effectively lose weight and keep it off.
Most people, (even most other weight loss programs) do not realize that people with certain type of health issues like diabetes, hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, menopause, perimenopause, postmenopause all require a very specific type of diet program if they want to be successful at losing weight. So really that’s another major benefit of coming to our medically supervised prescription weight loss program.
No one understands this better than me, because I am a diabetic. And as a diabetic there are lots of foods, that my wife can eat, but I can’t eat them, because they will just make me fat and make my diabetes worse.
So I am happy that Oprah is finally doing a weight loss program that allows her to eat real food and is similar to our program except that we are Doctors and give our patients weight loss pills, vitamin B12 shots, etc…
In fact, we have lots of patients that come to us either while they are doing or after they have tried programs like Weight Watchers, Nutri-system, Jenny Craig, Dr. Oz’s rapid weight loss plan, Medifast or any type of weight loss or diet plan.
And the reason they come to us is because the appetite suppressant medications make it very easy for them to lose weight.
The weight loss pills help control your appetite, cravings and binging and enable you to make sensible decisions about what you are eating.
And often-times because of our medical training when someone comes to us while they are doing another weight loss program and they are not totally happy with the results we usually tweak that program and then BAM they start losing weight again.
So in conclusion with our local weight loss program you are:
- Evaluated by a Medical Doctor
- Given Weight Loss Pills Appetite Suppressant Diet Medications
- Given a Vitamin B12 Injection
- Given a Specific Diet Nutrition Plan
- Given an Exercise Plan if You are Able To Exercise
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that we do not charge you a new member fee or a new patient fee like so many other weight loss programs now do.
We do not have any contracts either.
We are here for you as long as you need us, and that’s it.
Some people might see us once or twice over a month or two and others might see us a bit longer, it all depends on how much weight you need to lose.
And if you are doing a weight loss program like Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, Dr. Oz’s rapid weight loss plan, Medifast or any type of weight loss or diet plan it’s usually perfectly fine for you to work with us and even take the weight loss pills and appetite suppressant medications.
Of course when you see the medical doctor he will only give you weight loss pills if he believes they will be safe and effective for you.
Call us now and schedule a totally free medical weight loss consultation call us at 215-821-7336.
- Published in diet doctors, Diet Doctors in Bucks County, Diet Doctors in Philadelphia, Medical Weight Loss, Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia, Weight Loss, weight loss philadelphia