Congratulations to Michelle for losing 50 pounds over the past few months with our medical weight-loss program. We are especially proud of Michelle because not only is she going through menopause but she also has a hypothyroid condition as well.
Michelle stuck to the weight-loss plan that we gave her and she only walked about three or four days a week. She said that she really enjoyed the variety of foods and all of the recipes that we give our patients. Every week we post another 2-5 recipes here on this website, on our YouTube channel and even our Google plus page.
So in our continued effort of helping our patients lose 3-5 lbs a week; here are a few more tasty weight-loss recipes.
When I spoke with Michelle today she told me that her two favorite recipes are the cookie dough recipe and low carb pizza with the works. So in celebration of her tremendous weight loss success here are the cookie dough recipe and the pizza with the works recipe.
Low Carb Cookie Dough
- Ingredients:
- 2 tablespoons of butter
- 4 tablespoons of stevia, truvia or splenda
- a few drops of vanilla extract
- 3-4 squares of sugar-free chocolate broken into pieces
- 1-2 tablespoons baking powder
- 5 tablespoons of ground almonds
Start by placing the butter in a large bowl and put this in the microwave until the butter is melted. Then take the bowl out of the microwave. But please make sure that you do not burn yourself because the bowl will probably be hot. Be sure to use a towel or oven mittens when removing the bowl from the microwave. Next add all of the other ingredients into the bowl with the melted butter and mix everything nicely until it’s nice and smooth. If you like, you can then place this in the microwave for approximately 30 seconds to 60 seconds and this will melt the chocolate and give it a gooey consistency. After the chocolate is melted nicely carefully take it out of the microwave let it cool down a little bit and you can enjoy. But make sure that it’s cooled down because you don’t want to burn yourself, your tongue or lips.
You can also make little ice cream treats with this recipe. By rolling the mixture into little balls and place them in the refrigerator or freezer.
Low Carb Pizza With the Works
Who doesn’t love pizza? But for most of us Pizza is totally off-limits because – as much as we love Pizza, it loves us back. Because it stays with us as body fat. But with this Pizza recipe you can enjoy eating pizza and not worry about getting fat.
- Ingredients
- 8 ounces of Mozzarella Cheese
- 4 eggs
- 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil
- 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
To make the pizza dough… Coat a Frying-pan with one or two teaspoons of coconut oil. If you are using a solid form of coconut oil allow it to liquefy. And then in a separate bowl whisk your eggs, then add the cheese and mix everything together nicely. Now we just add the egg cheese mixture into the frying pan and we cooked this over a medium heat until it’s semi-firm. At this point place the pan with the cheese and egg mixture into the oven and bake for approximately 5 to 8 minutes at 375°. And then remove this from the oven. Be sure to wear oven mittens so that you do not burn yourself.
This is just the beginning now let’s get started with the pizza toppings. We’re going totaling Italian here, so we are going to top our pizza with sausage, pepperoni, peppers, cheese and marinara sauce.
Here is everything that we need: 1-3 ounces of sausage, 8-11 slices of pepperoni, 3-4 tablespoons of chopped green peppers, a half cup any cheese or cheese mixture/blends that you like and finally a cup of marinara sauce.
We are going to start by adding to another Frying-pan the sausage and let this cook until it’s nice and brown. After approximately 10-11 minutes add the peppers and let this cook for another 2 to 4 minutes until everything is cooked nicely. Just make sure that your sausage is thoroughly cooked. Now take the marinara sauce and spread the sauce over your pizza dough. Next we add the cheese, pepperoni and finally the pepper and sausage mixture. There you have it! A fantastic pizza with the works just like you would get in South Philly.
I hope you enjoy these recipes.
If you need help with your weight loss I ask you to give us a call and schedule a free consultation to see if our medical weight loss program can help you achieve your weight loss goals. Call 215-821-7336
Even if you have worked with another medical weight-loss doctor in the past or if you are eating right and exercising and possibly even working with a personal trainer but you’re still not totally happy with the way you look or feel. I invite you to give us a call for a free consultation.
You see our weight-loss program is a bit different from most of the other weight loss programs in the area because we have a multi-facted approach to help you lose weight.
We provide you with the finest quality weight-loss pills and appetite suppressant medications, vitamin B12 injections and we also spend time with you to determine what would be the best nutritional approach to help you lose weight.
Dr. Duffield provides you with the finest medical weight loss care and Dr. Kenny focuses on nutrition and holistic wellness. So in our practice you’re getting the best of two worlds so to speak. You’re getting the best medical weight loss care and you are also getting the best holistic wellness type of care to help you achieve your weight loss goals.
Many people who come are doing almost everything right and they only need a few minor changes to their overall routine to achieve their weight loss goals. While others might need a total overhaul. So whether you are someone who just needs a couple tweaks here and there or someone who needs a complete overhaul we are here to help you.
Just give us a call and schedule a medical weight loss consultation.
Call us now at 215-821-7336