If you are looking for a medical weight-loss program that uses FDA approved appetite suppressant medications weight loss pills and diet pills all under the supervision of a medical physician we are the place for you.
For more information on our weight loss program I invite you to call us and schedule your free weight loss consultation at 215-821-7336 and Lisa will be happy to schedule your free weight loss consultation.
We believe that our weight loss program is successful because in addition to giving you the FDA approved weight loss pills we instruct you on how to eat properly. It’s our philosophy that food is life and that starvation diets do not work. So in our program we show you how to eat real food and give you recipes and meal plans that are delicious. So with that being said here are some fantastic recipes.
Today I’m going to give you the recipes for a honey banana smoothie, low-carb butterscotch crispy bars ( a low-carb version of Butterfingers), a cocoa nutty sweet treat recipe and even a low carbohydrate recipe for good old-fashioned redfish.
I hope that you enjoy this recipes and if you need help with losing weight or someone you know needs help with losing weight please give them our number, 215-821-7336 and they can set up a free consultation.
Honey Banana Smoothie Recipe
- Ingredients:
- water – 3/4 cup
- unsweetened coconut milk – 1/4 cup
- frozen bananas -2
- honey – 1 tsp
- ground ginger – 1/4 tsp
- ground cinnamon – 1/4 tsp
- vanilla – 1/4 tsp
Now just combine all of these yummy ingredients into a blender, blend away and enjoy.
Low-Carb Butterscotch Delight Crispy Bars
- Crispy Crunchy for the inside:
- Swerve – 1 cup
- butterscotch extract – 2 teaspoon
- coconut oil – 3 tablespoons
- butter or coconut oil – 1/4 cup
- Swerve or erythritol – 1/4 cup
- stevia glycerite – 1 teaspoon
- cream cheese – 1/4 cup
- natural peanut butter – 1/4 cup
- vanilla – 1 teaspoon
Chocolate Icing:
- butter or coconut oil – 6 tablespoons
- unsweetened cocoa powder – 4 tablespoons
- Swerve confectioner – 4 tablespoons
- stevia glycerite – 1 teaspoon
- vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon
- ground sea salt – 1/8 teaspoon
To make the crispy part:
Start by pre-heating our oven to 350°F and then line a baking sheet with a good-quality parchment paper. After that mix together the coconut oil, the butterscotch extract and the swerve until it looks like small breadcrumbs.
Now all that you have to do is spoon it out on top of your parchment paper and spread it nicely into a thin layer. Place it in the oven and allow it to bake for approximately 15 minutes, plus or minus a few minutes. When it’s done just take it out of the oven and set it on the side and let it cool down totally. The more you let it cool the harder the candy will become and just break it into tiny pieces.
To make the nugget:
As the yummy crunchy part is in the oven baking we can now make the nugget. Put your 1/4 cup of swerve, 1/4 cup of natural peanut butter, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon of Stevia glycerite, 1/4 cup of butter and the cream cheese in a medium-sized bowl ( just make sure that it’s microwavable safe), stir it up a little bit then place it in your microwave for approximately one minute or so. Let it cool down and then mix everything together nicely.
Now, just mix the nugget to the crunchy part that you have broken into pieces and mix them until they are combined nicely. Take a 4 x 4 inch glass container and lined with parchment paper and pour this mixture into it. Make sure that you level out the top.
To make the Chocolate icing:
Place a saucepan over low heat and add in your coconut oil and when it starts to melt store in your extracts, chocolate, salt and sweeteners until everything is totally melted. When this is melted spread it over top of your nugget mixture and then sent it back in your refrigerator to cool down. When it is ready just cut it into any size of bars that you like. I hope you enjoy these nice tasty snacks as much as I do. This recipe makes eight servings and each of them has approximately 3 grams of carbohydrates, 250 cal about 4 grams of protein.
Cocoa Nutty Low-Carb Treats
- Ingredients
- Swerve – 1 cup
- unsweetened cocoa powder – 3 tbsp
- vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon
- almond extract – 1/4 tsp
- coconut oil – 3 tbsp
Start by preheating your oven to 350°F and take a baking sheet and spread parchment paper over top. Take a nice sized bowl and mix together your extracts, sweeteners, coconut oil and of course your cocoa powder. Mix it together until it forms into the shape resembling small breadcrumbs. Now, just spread it out over top of your baking sheets and bake it for approximately the 13 – 16 minutes. The cooking time will vary depending upon the intensity of your oven. When it finished baking, allow it to cool down. It will get harder the longer that cools. Be sure that you keep this in an container that is airtight in the refrigerator. I have kept it in the refrigerator up to 2 this table 3 weeks and it was fine. You can use this as a topping for some of the other great recipes I have on the site or you can just eat it by itself. This recipe makes 4 servings and each has approximately 97 cal, 1/2 grams of protein and 1 grams of carbohydrates.
Red Fish
- Ingredients
- natural sweetener -1/2 to 1 tbsp
- water – 3 tbsps
- gelatin – collagen gelatin – 1½ tbsp
- Instructions
Take a microwavable safe cup and mixing your sweetener, gelatin and water and stir it all and so everything’s is totally dissolved. Now all you have to do is put in your microwave for about 35 to 50 seconds, just until it starts to boil. Allow it to cool down a little bit and then pour it into a tray. My younger nieces love gummy worms so my wife found a cute gummy worms tray that we pour this mixture into and make it for them. Now we are ready to set them in the refrigerator and keep them there until they are from. This recipe makes one serving and the total serving has about 20 cal, 6 grams of protein and 0 carbohydrates.
So there you have it some awesome delicious recipes that are weight loss patients are able to enjoy, while burning body fat and losing pounds and inches. I hope you enjoy them. If you are a friend or loved one need help losing weight call us and schedule your free weight loss consultation 215-821-7336.