In our Philadelphia medical weight loss program, we use high-quality appetite suppressant medications, vitamin B-12 injection therapy and sound nutrition and exercise protocols. This combination of weight loss pills, good nutrition plans and safe exercise regimens has helped many people lose weight. The weight loss pills are designed to help control your appetite and even though you may not be hungry you still need to eat and follow a proper nutrition plan.
So, in today’s article I’m going to give you a meal plan that should help you achieve your weight loss goals when used with our weight loss program.
For most weight loss patients, it is usually recommended that you eat three meals a day and two good healthy snacks. For snacks we like vegetables, especially celery, cucumbers and carrots. However, you may also eat a low glycemic fruit as a snack.
For breakfast it is recommended to eat 2 ounces of protein, 1 portion of good healthy fat, and 1 portion of a good carbohydrate or 1 portion of a low glycemic fruit.
Then we have a snack in between breakfast and lunch.
For lunch it is recommended to eat 4 – 6 ounces of protein, 1 – 2 portions of a good healthy fat and 4 ounces of vegetables.
And then we have another snack in between lunch and dinner.
For dinner it is usually recommended to eat 4 – 6 ounces of protein, 1 portion of a good healthy fat, 1 portion of a starchy carbohydrate and 4 ounces of vegetables.
I just want to make a note that even though I have 4 ounces of vegetables at both lunch and dinner you may eat more than 4 ounces of vegetables at both lunch and dinner. Vegetables are an excellent source of healthy nutrition and usually I try to eat at least 4 – 5 cups of vegetables a day. Especially leafy green vegetables. It’s no surprise that people that eat lots of vegetables enjoy excellent overall health and wellness.
For general calorie recommendations it is not recommended that females eat less than 1000 calories per day. For men, usually it is not recommended that men eat less than 1600 calories per day.
Your age, height, weight, lifestyle activity level and exercise routines usually help determine the number of calories you should be eating for the day.
I hope you enjoyed this article. If you need help losing weight and you would like more information on our Philadelphia medical weight loss program I invite you to call and schedule your free weight loss consultation. Just call us now at 215-821-7336 and schedule your complementary consultation.