Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia 7 Recipes To Burn Fat Fast

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In today’s post we are giving you recipes to some really delicious smoothies.
- apple – 1 cored and seeded
- kale – 2 handfuls
- cucumber – 1, peeled
- carrots – 2, peeled
- ground ginger – 1 tsp
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
- apple – 1 cored and seeded
- spinach – 1 handful
- kale – 1 handful
- celery – 5 stalks
- carrots – 3, peeled
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
- spinach – 2 handfuls
- arugula – 1/2 handful
- tomatoes – 3
- fresh basil – 5 sprigs
- small lemon – 1/2 peeled
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
- spinach – 3 handfuls
- kale – 1 handful
- pear -1, cored and seeded
- apple – 1, cored and seeded
- fresh parsley – 1/2 cup
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
- spinach – 3 handfuls
- kale – 1 handful
- pineapple chunks – 1/4 cup
- apple – 1, cored and seeded
- small lemon – 1/2 peeled
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
- carrots -2, peeled
- kale – 1 handful
- celery – 3 stalks
- apple 1, cored and seeded
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
- small kiwi – 1, peeled
- apple – 1, cored and seeded
- spinach – 1 handful
- Creek yogurt – 1 cup
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
I hope you enjoy these recipes. If you have a juicer you can even juice the above recipes. For a blender you can add water and/or ice.
If you or a friend need help losing weight I invite you to call us for a free weight loss consultation. Call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule your appointment now.
- Published in Diet Doctors in Bucks County, Diet Doctors in Philadelphia, Medical Weight Loss, Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia PA, Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia, Philadelphia Weight Loss Doctor, Philadelphia Weight Loss Doctors, weight loss philadelphia
Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia 8 Smoothies for Your Vacation Body
In today’s post I am going to give you recipes for some amazing smoothies but first I want to thank all of our wonderful patients for referring their family members, friends and coworkers to our Philadelphia medical weight loss program. The highest compliment that we can receive is the referral of your family members, coworkers and friends and we are honored for this.
We especially appreciate you referring loved ones who have had a difficult time achieving a healthy weight because of various health issues. We have been able to help people with diabetes, thyroid issues like hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, metabolic syndrome and many other health issues.
We do offer a free initial consultation so that we can assess a person’s situation and determine if our program will be able to help them. So if this is your first time to our website all you have to do is call and schedule your free consultation. Call us at 215-821-7336 and we will be very happy to schedule your visit.
I would like to give a special congratulations to Elizabeth who has lost 20 pounds in her first month with our program. Elizabeth has been following our simple nutrition plan and walking four times a week either outside if the weather is nice or on the treadmill in her home while watching one of her favorite television shows. Elizabeth, I commend you on your dedication and commitment!
In our Philadelphia weight loss program we have patients that are looking to lose weight because they want to improve their physical appearance and we have people that seriously need to lose weight because of health issues such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
Many of our patients are referred to us by their family medical doctor because the doctors believe that losing weight may help improve their health and wellness. More and more reports are coming out linking being overweight or obese to a multitude of health issues.
So if you are looking and improving your physical appearance or improving your overall health it’s important to get your weight under control. And we would be honored to assist you.
And now here are the smoothie recipes:
Ginger Mint Apple Smoothie
- Apples – 2 cored and seeded
- Peeled cucumber – 2
- Fresh mint – 1/4 cup
- Ground ginger – 1 tsp
- Kale – 1 handful
- Blend and enjoy!
Sweet Melon Smoothie
- Kale – 2 handfuls
- Spinach – 1 handful
- Honeydew – 1/4 melon with the rind removed
- Peeled kiwi – 1
- Blend and enjoy!
Keto Special Smoothie XV
- Cabbage – 1/2
- Cored and seeded apple – 1
- Peeled kiwi – 1
- Blend and enjoy!
Fruit and Veggie Combo Smoothie
- Parsnips – 4
- Kale – 1 handful
- Fennel – 1/2 bulb
- Cored and seeded pear – 1
- Parsley – 1/2 cup
- Place everything into a blender and enjoy!
Sweet and Sour Veggie Blast
- Broccoli florets – 1 handful
- Ground ginger – 1 tsp
- Peeled zucchini – 1
- Peeled grapefruit – 1
- Peeled orange – 1
- Combine all of the above ingredients into a blender and enjoy!
Sweet Green Treat
- Kale – 1 handful
- Celery – 4 stalks
- Cored and seeded apple – 1
- Peeled lemon – 1
- Berries – 1/4 cup
- Combine everything into a blender and enjoy!
Cabbage Fennel and Kale Oh My
- Kale – 1 handful
- Cored and seeded apple – 1
- Peeled lemon – 1
- Cabbage – 1/4
- Fennel – 1/2 bulb
- Combine all of the ingredients into a blender, blend and enjoy!
Watermelon Kale Smoothie
- Kale – 2 handfuls
- Cored and seeded apples – 2 small
- Peeled lemon – 1 small
- Seedless watermelon – 1/8 and please remove the rind
- Combine in a blender and enjoy!
So there you have 8 great smoothie recipes. These smoothies may be a bit large so you will probably have 1 – 2 servings for each one.
If you a friend, a loved one or coworker need help losing weight I invite you to call and schedule your free consultation. Just call us at 215-821-7336 and let us schedule your free weight loss consultation.