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In today’s post we are giving you recipes to some really delicious smoothies.
But let me start by congratulating all of our weight loss patients who are sticking to their weight loss plan and losing pounds and inches.
I also have to thank you because it is a pleasure to come to the office every day and share in everyone’s success.
Now if this is your first time visiting our site, I invite you to call and schedule for free weight loss consultation. Just call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule your free consultation now.
You can add water and/or ice to the smoothies if you like
Here are the smoothie recipes:
Ginger Apple Snap Smoothie
- apple – 1 cored and seeded
- kale – 2 handfuls
- cucumber – 1, peeled
- carrots – 2, peeled
- ground ginger – 1 tsp
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
Apple Veggie Smoothie
- apple – 1 cored and seeded
- spinach – 1 handful
- kale – 1 handful
- celery – 5 stalks
- carrots – 3, peeled
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
Pizza Smoothie
- spinach – 2 handfuls
- arugula – 1/2 handful
- tomatoes – 3
- fresh basil – 5 sprigs
- small lemon – 1/2 peeled
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
Pear Apple Smoothie
- spinach – 3 handfuls
- kale – 1 handful
- pear -1, cored and seeded
- apple – 1, cored and seeded
- fresh parsley – 1/2 cup
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
Lisa’s Daily Smoothie
- spinach – 3 handfuls
- kale – 1 handful
- pineapple chunks – 1/4 cup
- apple – 1, cored and seeded
- small lemon – 1/2 peeled
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
Monica’s Smoothie
- carrots -2, peeled
- kale – 1 handful
- celery – 3 stalks
- apple 1, cored and seeded
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
Kiwi Yogurt Smoothie
- small kiwi – 1, peeled
- apple – 1, cored and seeded
- spinach – 1 handful
- Creek yogurt – 1 cup
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
I hope you enjoy these recipes. If you have a juicer you can even juice the above recipes. For a blender you can add water and/or ice.
If you or a friend need help losing weight I invite you to call us for a free weight loss consultation. Call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule your appointment now.