Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia 7 Recipes To Burn Fat Fast

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In today’s post we are giving you recipes to some really delicious smoothies.
- apple – 1 cored and seeded
- kale – 2 handfuls
- cucumber – 1, peeled
- carrots – 2, peeled
- ground ginger – 1 tsp
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
- apple – 1 cored and seeded
- spinach – 1 handful
- kale – 1 handful
- celery – 5 stalks
- carrots – 3, peeled
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
- spinach – 2 handfuls
- arugula – 1/2 handful
- tomatoes – 3
- fresh basil – 5 sprigs
- small lemon – 1/2 peeled
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
- spinach – 3 handfuls
- kale – 1 handful
- pear -1, cored and seeded
- apple – 1, cored and seeded
- fresh parsley – 1/2 cup
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
- spinach – 3 handfuls
- kale – 1 handful
- pineapple chunks – 1/4 cup
- apple – 1, cored and seeded
- small lemon – 1/2 peeled
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
- carrots -2, peeled
- kale – 1 handful
- celery – 3 stalks
- apple 1, cored and seeded
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
- small kiwi – 1, peeled
- apple – 1, cored and seeded
- spinach – 1 handful
- Creek yogurt – 1 cup
- Combine everything in a high power blender, blend and enjoy.
I hope you enjoy these recipes. If you have a juicer you can even juice the above recipes. For a blender you can add water and/or ice.
If you or a friend need help losing weight I invite you to call us for a free weight loss consultation. Call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule your appointment now.
- Published in Diet Doctors in Bucks County, Diet Doctors in Philadelphia, Medical Weight Loss, Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia PA, Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia, Philadelphia Weight Loss Doctor, Philadelphia Weight Loss Doctors, weight loss philadelphia
Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia 3 Ketosis Smoothies to Burn Fat Fast
If you are one of our Philadelphia Medical Weight Loss Patients, I welcome you back to our site and I have 3 delicious recipes for you. If this is your first time visiting our site I invite you to call and schedule your free weight loss consultation just call 215-821-7336 and we can answer any of your questions and schedule your free consultation.
Today I am posting smoothies that are low carb and low in sugar but they do contain some good healthy fat. I usually like to have a low carb, low sugar smoothie like these smoothies for breakfast. The cheesecake and chocolate coconut smoothie are so good that I feel like I am having dessert for breakfast.
Having a smoothie for breakfast followed by a sensible lunch and dinner is a great way to make your weight loss program a success.
Here are the smoothie recipes:
Blackberry Cheesecake Smoothie
- Milk of your choice – 1 cup
- Cream cheese – 1 to 2 ounces
- Blackberries – 1/4 cup or any berry that you like
- Total solutions vanilla protein powder – 1 scoop
- Liquid stevia or granulated stevia to taste
- Ice cubes
- Combine in a blender and enjoy!
Chocolate Coconut Delight Smoothie
- Coconut milk – 1 cup or any milk of your choice
- Unsweetened cocoa powder – 1 Tablespoon
- Unsweetened shredded coconut – 1 Tablespoon
- Total solutions vanilla protein powder – 1 scoop
- Stevia to taste
- Ice cubes – 5 to 7
- Optional: Xanthan gum – 1/8 Teaspoon this makes the smoothie more thick.
- Combine in a blender and enjoy!
Super Green Smoothie
- Spinach fresh or frozen – 2 big handfuls
- Coconut oil – 1/2 TBSP
- Psyllium husk powder – 1 tablespoon
- Spirulina powder – 1 Teaspoon
- Stevia to taste.
- Water – 1 cup or more depending on how liquid you like your smoothies.
- Optional: Peanut Butter – 1 Teaspoon
- Combine in a blender and enjoy!
Healthy low sugar smoothies should be a part of your daily diet. Combined with a sensible eating plan and an easy walking program you have the foundation for a great weight loss program.
In addition to losing weight you will be giving your body lots of good healthy nutrition and that should help improve your overall health and wellness.
Many people believe that you have to lose weight to be healthy and that is true but it is also true that you have to be healthy in order to lose weight.
If you are eating lots of junk food you are giving your body bad nutrition and this will make you sick and overweight. But if you give your body healthy foods you should enjoy better health and a better body. Simply stated if you eat bad food you will feel bad and look unhealthy. If you give your body good food you will feel good and look good.
You get out of your body what you put into it, so make sure to focus your diet on good healthy foods. I hope you enjoyed today’s post.
If you, a friend, loved one or coworker need help with losing weight or improving your overall health and wellness, I invite you to call and schedule your free weight loss consultation. Just call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule your visit now.
Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia Ketosis Smoothies for Fast Weight Loss

- Peeled orange – 1
- Peach – 1, pitted
- Chia seeds – 1 tbsp
- Spinach – 1 handful
- Combine everything in a high powered blender.
- Watermelon cubes – 1 cup, please remove the seeds and the rind
- Goji berries – 1 tbsp
- Fresh Cilantro – 1 small handful
- Spinach – 1 handful
- Combine everything in a high powered blender.
- Papaya – 1/2 cup, please remove the seeds and the skin
- Strawberries – 1/2 cup
- Peeled orange – 1 small
- Chia seeds – 1 tbsp
- Spinach – 1 handful
- Broccoli florets – 1 cup
- Blend all of the above ingredients in a high powered blender.
Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia 8 Smoothies for Your Vacation Body
In today’s post I am going to give you recipes for some amazing smoothies but first I want to thank all of our wonderful patients for referring their family members, friends and coworkers to our Philadelphia medical weight loss program. The highest compliment that we can receive is the referral of your family members, coworkers and friends and we are honored for this.
We especially appreciate you referring loved ones who have had a difficult time achieving a healthy weight because of various health issues. We have been able to help people with diabetes, thyroid issues like hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, metabolic syndrome and many other health issues.
We do offer a free initial consultation so that we can assess a person’s situation and determine if our program will be able to help them. So if this is your first time to our website all you have to do is call and schedule your free consultation. Call us at 215-821-7336 and we will be very happy to schedule your visit.
I would like to give a special congratulations to Elizabeth who has lost 20 pounds in her first month with our program. Elizabeth has been following our simple nutrition plan and walking four times a week either outside if the weather is nice or on the treadmill in her home while watching one of her favorite television shows. Elizabeth, I commend you on your dedication and commitment!
In our Philadelphia weight loss program we have patients that are looking to lose weight because they want to improve their physical appearance and we have people that seriously need to lose weight because of health issues such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
Many of our patients are referred to us by their family medical doctor because the doctors believe that losing weight may help improve their health and wellness. More and more reports are coming out linking being overweight or obese to a multitude of health issues.
So if you are looking and improving your physical appearance or improving your overall health it’s important to get your weight under control. And we would be honored to assist you.
And now here are the smoothie recipes:
Ginger Mint Apple Smoothie
- Apples – 2 cored and seeded
- Peeled cucumber – 2
- Fresh mint – 1/4 cup
- Ground ginger – 1 tsp
- Kale – 1 handful
- Blend and enjoy!
Sweet Melon Smoothie
- Kale – 2 handfuls
- Spinach – 1 handful
- Honeydew – 1/4 melon with the rind removed
- Peeled kiwi – 1
- Blend and enjoy!
Keto Special Smoothie XV
- Cabbage – 1/2
- Cored and seeded apple – 1
- Peeled kiwi – 1
- Blend and enjoy!
Fruit and Veggie Combo Smoothie
- Parsnips – 4
- Kale – 1 handful
- Fennel – 1/2 bulb
- Cored and seeded pear – 1
- Parsley – 1/2 cup
- Place everything into a blender and enjoy!
Sweet and Sour Veggie Blast
- Broccoli florets – 1 handful
- Ground ginger – 1 tsp
- Peeled zucchini – 1
- Peeled grapefruit – 1
- Peeled orange – 1
- Combine all of the above ingredients into a blender and enjoy!
Sweet Green Treat
- Kale – 1 handful
- Celery – 4 stalks
- Cored and seeded apple – 1
- Peeled lemon – 1
- Berries – 1/4 cup
- Combine everything into a blender and enjoy!
Cabbage Fennel and Kale Oh My
- Kale – 1 handful
- Cored and seeded apple – 1
- Peeled lemon – 1
- Cabbage – 1/4
- Fennel – 1/2 bulb
- Combine all of the ingredients into a blender, blend and enjoy!
Watermelon Kale Smoothie
- Kale – 2 handfuls
- Cored and seeded apples – 2 small
- Peeled lemon – 1 small
- Seedless watermelon – 1/8 and please remove the rind
- Combine in a blender and enjoy!
So there you have 8 great smoothie recipes. These smoothies may be a bit large so you will probably have 1 – 2 servings for each one.
If you a friend, a loved one or coworker need help losing weight I invite you to call and schedule your free consultation. Just call us at 215-821-7336 and let us schedule your free weight loss consultation.
7 Recipes for Fast Weight Loss by Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia
As part of our Philadelphia Medical Weight Loss Program we like to give our patients lots of fantastic recipes that are conducive to losing weight. In this article I am going to give you seven delicious recipes for banana smoothies. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Here are the recipes:
Creamy Black Banana
- Blackcurrants – 2 heaping tablespoons
- Greek yogurt – ½ to 1 cup
- Banana – 1
- Combine all of the ingredients in a blender and Enjoy!
Creamy Apricot Banana
- Banana – 1
- Apricots – 2
- Greek yogurt – ½ to 1 cup
- Blend and enjoy!
Just Bananas
- Bananas – 2
- Greek yogurt – 1 cup
- Blend and enjoy!
Creamy Red Banana
- Greek yogurt – 1 cup
- Banana – 1
- Strawberries – 1 handful
- Blend and enjoy!
Creamy Green Banana
- Banana – 1
- Spirulina – 1 heaping teaspoon
- Greek yogurt – 1 cup
- Blend and enjoy!
Creamy Peachy Banana
- Banana – 1
- Frozen peaches – ½ cup
- Greek yogurt – 1 cup
- Blend and enjoy!
Purple Banana
- Blueberries – 1 handful
- Blackberries – 1 handful
- Greek yogurt – 1 cup
- Blend and enjoy!
If you, a friend, coworker or a loved one need help with losing weight I invite you to call us and schedule your free weight loss consultation. Call us now at 215-821-7336 and schedule your free weight loss consultation.
Juice Away Your Pounds & Inches by Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia
It’s the end of summer and everyone is busy getting their children ready for going back to school and finishing up those last vacation days. And it seems that most of us have put on a few extra pounds as we were enjoying this past summer. So in this article I am going to give you a few juicing recipes that should help you in getting rid of the extra weight that you may have acquired this summer. When you combine the recipes that I give you here on our blog, with our medically supervised prescription weight loss program that uses FDA approved weight loss pills, appetite suppressant medications and diet pills along with vitamin B-12 injection therapy and of course proper nutrition and exercise plans, you have a great package to help you lose weight and also improve your overall health and wellness. So here are the recipes:
With all of the juicing recipes I’m going to give you in this article you have the option to add water to it to dilute it if necessary. If you are watching your carbs in your sugar intake you may have to change the recipes a bit by reducing the quantity of fruit for each particular recipe.
Personally for myself I do not eat more than two pieces of fruit per day. For example if the recipe calls for 4 pieces of fruit I would just use a quarter of each of the individual fruits and make my drink that way. If you are into the high intensity phase of your exercise program and you are feeling overly tired these strings are good for a quick boost of energy. Just be sure to dilute them a bit by adding water to the recipe. You can also add Spirulina or any type of green vegetable powder to any of these juice recipes.
Apples & Carrots Combo Juice
- Apples – 2
- carrots – 2
- This is an awesome juice combination nutrient wise it’s loaded with beta-carotene, vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Just combine all of the ingredients into the blender blend and enjoy.
Seaweed Special Juice
- Apples – 2
- Spiruina – 1 teaspoon
- This is a great juicing recipe just make sure that you mix up to Spirulina with a little bit of the apple juice and a separate class or jar before combining it with the total mixture. As far as the nutrition is loaded with beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, protein and essential fatty acids.
Mega Juice Recipe
- Apples – 2
- carrots – number two
- ginger root – ½ inch
- Spirulina – 1 teaspoon
- Add your apples, carrots and ginger root into the blender and blend until it’s totally liquefied then add in your Spirulina. This combination gives you a mega boost of beta-carotene, full of gasoline, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, protein and essential fatty acids
A Great Pear Recipe
- apples – 2
- pear – 1
- Just combine the fruits into a blender blend away and enjoying. This mixture is loaded with beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium.
Sweetness in a Glass Recipe
- Apples – 2
- nectarine – 1
- strawberries – 10
- I prefer this recipe with the nectarine and strawberries being ripe. This is an awesome fruit juicing combination and just like most of the other recipes I have given you so far it contains beta-carotene, biotin, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
Simply Delicious Recipe
- Apples – 2
- celery – 2 sticks
- This is a great recipe in is extremely satisfying especially after an intense workout. Just combine all of the fruit into the blender blend away and enjoy. This mixture is power packed with beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium.
Tangy & Sweet Juice Recipe
- Apples – 2
- guavas – 2
- Just combine these delicious fruits into the blender and blend and enjoy. With this recipe the guava can be a little bit tangy so I definitely recommend that you use a sweeter type of apple like a red Apple. This recombination contains beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin B3, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Simply Nature’s Best
- Apples – 2
- oranges – 2
- Just combine the fruits into the blender blend the way and enjoy just make sure that it’s liquefied is much as possible. This delicious recipe contains beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Lisa’s Favorite Juice Combo
- Apples – 2
- tangerines – 2
- lime – ½
- This is a very citrus flavored type of combination. The tangerines have a more delicate flavor that embellishes the apple taste and the line gives a nice kick at the end. This is filled with vitamin’s such as beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Detox Apple Combo Recipe
- apples – 2
- kale leaves – 3
- celery – 1 stick
- cucumber – ½ of a long cucumber
- beet – ½
- Combine all of the ingredients into a blender or juicer. This recipe is totally delicious especially when you compare it to other types of detox drinks. It’s loaded with beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin B3, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese and potassium.
I hope you enjoy these recipes. If you, a family member, a loved one and/or friend would like more information on our weight loss program I invite you to call us now and schedule your free weight loss consultation. Just call us at 215-821-7336 and we will gladly schedule you for your free weight loss consultation.
Philadelphia Medical Weight Loss Paleo Recipes for Fast Weight Loss
Hi everyone Dr. Kenny here, and in this post today I’m going to give you four cool and refreshing recipes. I am going to give you the recipes for doc’s salad, chop chop salad, spicy fruit salad and Great Grand-Mom Verdi’s Salad. With the high temperatures of the past few days I thought it would be nice to post a few recipes that are light and refreshing and will fill your tummy and satisfy your appetite and cravings. If this is the first time visiting our website and you would like more information about our medical weight loss program call and schedule your free weight loss consultation. Call 215-821-7336 and Lisa will schedule your free weight loss consultation. In our program we use the best appetite suppressant medications, weight loss pills and diet pills with Vitamin B12 injection therapy and diet and exercise plans for fast, safe and effective weight loss.
Now, here are the recipes:
Doc’s Salad
- Portobello mushrooms – three mushrooms chopped
- balsamic vinegar – 1/3 cup
- Olive oil – 1/3 cup
- pure maple syrup – 3 tablespoons
- scallions – 2 tablespoons of sliced scallions
- bell pepper – 1 chopped bell pepper
- grape tomatoes – 1 cup of grape tomatoes sliced in half
- lettuce – ½ pound
- corn – 4 ears of corn with the kernels sliced off
Let’s start this great recipe by first marinating the mushrooms in the olive oil, maple syrup and vinegar for approximately one hour. Next mix the bell peppers, lettuce, tomatoes, scallions and corn in a very large bowl. Mix everything together well. Divide the mixture onto 4 – 6 plates and just sprinkle all the chopped mushrooms over top.
Chop Chop Salad
- Green beans – 1 cup of green beans
- kernels cut from the cop of three years of corn
- bell pepper – 1 bell pepper chopped preferably red or yellow
- carrots – 2 large carrots chopped
- grape tomatoes – 2 cups of grape tomatoes sliced in half
- chopped zucchini – 1 large zucchini chopped
- chives – 3 tablespoons of minced chives
Combine all of the ingredients into a bowl and enjoy.
Spicy Fruit Salad
- Carrot – 1 large carrots sliced lengthwise
- bell pepper – 1 bell pepper sliced thinly
- zucchini – 1 large zucchini sliced thinly
- beet – 1 large beet sliced
- walnuts – ½ cup of chopped walnuts
- apple – 1 cup of sliced apples
- ginger – 2 tablespoons of diced fresh ginger
- garlic – 2 cloves of garlic and diced
- jalapeno – ½ of a jalapeno diced
- cranberries – ½ cup of dried cranberries
- artichoke – ½ cup of sliced artichokes
- mint – ¼ cup of fresh mint
- basil – ½ cup of fresh basil
- cilantro – ½ bunch of fresh cilantro
Just mix all the ingredients into a large bowl, toss well and serve with any dressing of your choice.
Great Grand-Mom Verdi’s Salad Recipe
- Cinnamon – 1 teaspoon
- cherry tomatoes – 1 cup of cherry tomatoes sliced in half
- garlic – 1 clove of chopped garlic
- romaine lettuce – 3 cups chopped
- oregano – ½ teaspoon of fresh oregano chopped
- thyme – ½ teaspoon chopped
- olive oil – ¼ cup of olive oil
- red wine vinegar – 2 tablespoons
- olives – 4 olives chopped
- black pepper and salt to taste.
Now combine all the ingredients into a bowl and toss well. Serve with your favorite dressing.
I hope you enjoy these recipes!
For help losing weight just call 215-821-7336 and schedule your free consultation.
Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia Late Night Veggie Sushi Recipe
Hi everyone Dr. Kenny here. Well it’s 11:15 PM Wednesday night and I am here on our website posting this recipe because it was so good I could not wait until tomorrow morning to share it with all of you. Today was another great day at our Medical Weight Loss Center with lots of happy patients losing weight. We finished seeing patient at 9:00 PM and that means I arrived at home at 10:00 PM. I was hungry but didn’t want anything too heavy so my wonderful wife, Elyse, surprised me with a wonderful new recipe. She made me a Raw Sushi Roll.
But instead of using raw fish she used raw vegetables and it was so delicious. So much so that I had to type up this article and posted on our website.
So here is the recipe:
The ingredients are as follows:
- nori seaweed sheets – 4 sheets
- bib lettuce leaves – 4 leaves
- alfalfa sprouts – 2 cups
- julienned cucumbers – one large cucumber
- shredded carrot – one large carrot
My wife made this recipe by taking the nori sheet and just spreading it out in front of you and then lay one leaf of the lettuce across the nori sheet. Next very gently take all of the vegetables noted above and spread them out on top of your lettuce leaf. And then just roll the nori sheet around all of your vegetables. Just make sure that it’s rolled tight. Now all that you have to do is take some water and moisten the end of the sheet and seal it and fold it up just like you would fold or close an envelope.
Then take a sharp knife and you can slice your roll into pieces. Now you just have to dip it into one of the delicious salad dressing recipes that I have here on the site and enjoy. Since this sushi is mainly vegetables you can eat as much of it as you like. I hope you will enjoy this recipe because I really did this evening. If you, a friend, loved one or coworker need help with losing weight I invite you to call and schedule your complementary weight loss consultation. Call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule your consultation now.
4 Recipes to Cleanse Your Body and Burn Fat by Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia
2017 looks to be our busiest year ever and I thank all of our patients that have referred their family and friends and I also thank all of the Doctors in the area that have referred their patients to us so that we may help them lose weight and improve their health and wellness. The Doctors are very happy and pleased that our Physicians are up to date with the current research and studies concerning the treatment of obesity and how we apply this to our weight loss treatment protocols for our patients. In talking with the family doctors that send their patients to us for weight loss we realized that one of their most common concerns is that their patients are confused when it comes to eating a good healthy diet. Their concern is that so many of their patients are looking for nutrition from some type of shake or protein bar and they have forgotten about eating real food. So in this article I am going to give you 4 super quick and easy simple recipes that you can make just with a blender or nutribullet. What’s even better is that these recipes are made with lots of good healthy vegetables that provide you with mega doses of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that will help you lose weight and improve your health as well. If this is your first time coming to our website and you need more information just call us and schedule your consultation. Call us at 215-821-7336 and we will be glad to set up your complimentary consultation. Now here are those fantastic recipes I told you about:
Lettuce or celery – 1 head
kale – 6 stalks
apples – 1 – 2
lemon – one large lemon cut into slices
ginger – 1 – 2 tablespoons
Place each of the above items one at a time into a blender or juicer or nutribullet and liquefy each one. This is a great recipe that provides you with mega doses of vitamins and minerals and it’s also great for cleansing your system.
Perfect Salad Dressing
lemons – 3 large lemons
cloves of garlic – 3 cloves of garlic
Ginger – 3 tablespoons of minced ginger
soy sauce – 3 tablespoons of soy sauce
honey – 3 tablespoons of raw honey
Olive oil – 1.5 cups
This is a fantastic salad dressing place each of the ingredients except for the oil into the blender and then blend after everything is mixed nicely slow to delete and the oil until everything is combined together nicely. Make sure that you keep this in the refrigerator.
Ashley’s Soup Recipe
alfalfa sprouts – 1 cup
dates – 6 dates
pineapple – 2 cups
kale – 1 handful
mint – 1 – 2 tablespoons
Just add all of the ingredients into a blender and blend until everything is liquefied. I usually enjoy this the most when I eat it immediately after it is made. This makes approximately two servings.
Lisa’s Mega Soup
Alfalfa sprouts – 1 cup
strawberries – 3 cups
raw honey – 2 tablespoons
Stevia – 3 – 5 packets
lettuce of any type – 1 head
Combine all of the ingredients into a blender and blend until everything is nicely combined and liquefied. This makes approximately 2 servings
These recipes are super healthy and nutritious and they are quite tasty as well. When my children are home we can’t keep enough of these vegetables in the house and my wife has to go food shopping almost every other day.
If you or your friends need help with losing weight just call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule your complimentary weight loss consultation
Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia’s Fat Burning Chocolate Pudding & Pumpkin Cupcake Recipes
In our Philadelphia medical weight loss program we believe that our patients are so successful at losing weight because in addition to providing them with high quality FDA approved weight loss medications and appetite suppressant medications we also work with them in developing the right diet plan/meal plan for them. Our patients tell us that the weight loss pills do a great job of controlling their appetite and this enables them to make the right food choices and follow all of the recommendations that we gave them. The combination of the weight loss medications, vitamin B12 injection therapy, sensible eating plans and walking is a safe and effective way for you to lose weight. If you would like more information on our weight loss program is a call at 215-821-7336 and schedule your free weight loss consultation.
Now I’m going to give you three great recipes. I’m giving you the recipes for a blueberry and coconut smoothie, a low-carb pumpkin cupcake recipe and a low-carb chocolate pudding recipe.
Here are the recipes:
Blueberries & Coconut Smoothie
- Ingredients:
- unsweetened shredded coconut – 3 tablespoons
- unsweetened almond milk – three-quarter cups
- Total Solutions vanilla protein powder – 1 or 2 scoops
- chunks of frozen zucchini – 1 cup
- frozen cauliflower – ½ cup
- frozen blueberries – ½ cup
- cinnamon – 1 teaspoon
Let’s begin this recipe by mixing your almond milk and shredded coconut into a blender. Blend this for about 30 seconds. After that just put all of the other ingredients into the blender. I word highly recommend that the pulse setting and blend everything until it’s nice and creamy. This will give you more of a thick consistency and if you prefer to have it be a bit more liquid just added more unsweetened almond milk until you have the consistency that you prefer.
Low Carb Chocolate Pudding
- Ingredients:
- unsweetened almond milk – 2 cups
- sweetener – ⅓ cup
- unsweetened cocoa powder – 3 tbsps
- chia seeds – ¼ cup
This is a really fantastic recipe and it’s so easy to make. Just take all of the above ingredients put them into a nice sized bowl and mix them together until everything is blended nicely. After everything is totally combined all you have to do is put into the refrigerator and let it chill overnight. This recipe makes approximately 2 servings each of them having about 15 grams of carbohydrates, 12 grams of fat and about 8 grams of protein.
Pumpkin Cupcakes Low Carb Style
- Ingredients:
- pumpkin puree – 2 cups
- almond meal – 1 cup
- coconut flour – ⅔ cup
- Stevia – 1 cup
- pumpkin spice – 1 tbsp
- cinnamon – 1½ teaspoons
- vanilla – 2 tsps
- salt – ½ tsps
- baking soda – ½ tsps
- eggs – 2 large
This is a wonderful recipe and it’s one of my go to snacks. Let’s begin by preheating your oven to 350°F. Take a muffin pan and place cupcake liners in each slot. Then take a good-sized bowl and whisk together the eggs, Stevia and pumpkin until it’s nice and puffy. After that stir in all of the other ingredients until everything is thoroughly blended together. Now all that you have to do is pour the batter into each muffin pan and bake this for about a half hour to 40 minutes just until it is thoroughly cooked and if you stick a toothpick in it a comes out totally clean. Now all you have to do is just let this cool down for about 15 minutes.
So there you have it, 3 great low-carb recipes that will help you lose weight safely and effectively. And don’t worry I know these recipes taste too good to be diet food but as long as you stick with our weight loss program you should be fine.
If you, a loved one, a friend or coworker need help losing weight or just improving your overall health and wellness I invite you to give us a call and schedule your free consultation. Call us now at 215-821-7336 and let us help you reach your goals.