Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia Common Pitfalls of The Ketosis Diet
If this is your first time visiting our website I invite you to call and schedule your free weight loss consultation. Just call 215-821-7336 and Lisa would gladly schedule your weight loss consultation.
In today’s article I am giving you two really great recipes for 2 awesome treats. Both recipes are low in carbohydrates and low in sugar and are suitable for a low carbohydrate or ketosis type diet.
I am also going to review four of the most common mistakes that I see people making when it comes to a low carbohydrate or ketosis type diet. In this blog I always like to provide recipes and discuss trending Health topics. I am reviewing the mistakes in doing the ketosis diet today because it is a hot topic in the weight loss and fitness world and also many new patients coming into our office are trying to follow a ketosis diet. And these other mistakes that I see most people coming into her office doing. So I hope you enjoy these recipes and I hope you enjoy the information on ketosis.
Creamy Berry Smoothie
- heavy cream – ¼ cup
- cream cheese – ¼ cup
- Chia seeds – 1 tablespoon
- berries = 1/4 cup
- milk – one half to one cup
- ice cubes – 5 to 6
- Combine all of the ingredients into a blender, blend and enjoy.
Pumpkin Spice 1 Minute Low Carb Cake
- egg – 1
- almond flour – 1 tablespoon
- pumpkin spice – 1 teaspoon
- baking powder – 1 teaspoon
- stevia – 1 to 2 packets
- flax seed, ground – 2 tablespoons
- butter – 2 tablespoons
Take a microwave safe bowl and add your butter to it and then melt the butter in your microwave. This should take approximately 30 seconds. Then add the egg to the bowl and whisk the egg and butter. After that just add all of the other ingredients and mix them thoroughly together. Place the bowl in the microwave for about 60 seconds or so. You may prefer cooking the cake a little bit longer. Just make sure that the egg is totally cooked. When it is cooked the way you like it, let it cool down and then enjoy. You can top this with some sugar free whipped cream. You can make your own whipped cream just by taking heavy cream and use a hand mixer to mix it until stiff peaks form, You can use stevia to sweeten the whipped cream. To make a totally decadent treat you may top this with berries.
Here are the most common mistakes I see when people are following a Ketosis diet:
One of the most common mistakes that I see with people doing a ketosis diet is that they’re eating too much protein. When you eat too much protein that can also increase the amount of insulin that is produced by your body and this will put you into fat storing mode instead of fat burning mode. Everyone thinks that on the ketosis diet you can eat as much protein as you want but that is totally wrong. Most people need approximately 3 to 6 ounces of protein per meal. If you are 20 years old or younger and your metabolism is higher you can probably eat more protein. And if you are doing heavy weight lifting you may want to consume more protein.But for most of us 3 to 6 ounces of protein per meal is sufficient.
The second most common mistake that I see on the ketosis diet is that people stop eating vegetables. Vegetables are a necessary part of your body because they provide you with a multitude of vitamins and minerals especially potassium. Potassium is necessary it is an important electrolyte that helps regulate the muscles of the body and it also helps flush fat out of your body.
Mistake #3 is that people are actually eating too many carbohydrates. You have to be careful for the sugar in foods such as fruit, vitamin water, rice, pasta and bread. You have to be especially careful reading the ingredients of all the beverages that you are drinking. Many of the drinks that people are consuming are loaded with sugar and this will definitely keep you out of ketosis and cause you to gain weight. But don’t worry about counting the carbohydrates in your vegetables because when it comes to vegetables you can eat as many as you want. If you can keep a food log and track the amount of carbohydrates you or eating throughout the day you may be surprised how many carbohydrates you are truly eating. That’s why I usually recommend that people keep a food journal or diary. And after the first month or so you usually developed good healthy habits and automatically choose the right type of foods and the proper portion sizes.
Mistake #4 is that you can be too concerned with your body weight. Often times when following a ketosis diet your body is losing weight but developing muscle at the same time. So I usually recommend that people pay more attention to their physique, to their waist measurement and how their clothing is fitting. Many times a person may not be losing that much weight on the scale but they are rapidly dropping dress sizes.
I hope that you enjoy these recipes and I certainly hope that you enjoyed this information on the common pitfalls of the ketosis diet. If you, a friend, coworker or loved one would like help losing weight, I invite you to call and schedule your free weight loss consultation. Just call 215-821-7336 and Lisa will schedule your free weight loss consultation.
- Published in diet doctors, Diet Doctors in Bucks County, Diet Doctors in Philadelphia, Medical Weight Loss, Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia PA, Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia, Philadelphia Weight Loss Doctor, Philadelphia Weight Loss Doctors, weight loss philadelphia
Philadelphia Weight Loss Doctor 7 Smoothies to a Skinnier You
Today we are posting 7 delicious smoothie recipes to help curb your appetite and help you lose weight. For more information on our weight loss program call Lisa and schedule a free weight loss consultation, call 215-821-7336 and schedule your free weight loss consultation now.
These smoothies are low in carbohydrates and sugar and have healthy nutrients to nourish the body. Combined with our medical weight loss program these smoothies should help eliminate your appetite and help you lose weight. Recipes like these are also good for promoting better overall health and wellness.
Here are the recipes:
Vanilla Berry Smoothie
- kale – 1 handful
- berries – 1/2 cup
- greek yogurt – 1 cup
- Solutions 4 – vanilla protein powder – 1 scoop
- Blend and enjoy!
Creamy Banana Smoothie
- spinach – 1 handful
- greek yogurt – 1 cup
- banana – 1 small
- Solutions 4 – vanilla protein powder – 1 scoop
- Blend and enjoy!
Doc’s Favorite Smoothie
- kale – 1 handful
- banana – 1 small
- avocado – 1 small, peeled
- Non dairy beverage – 1/2 to 1 cup
- greek yogurt – 1 cup
- Solutions 4 – vanilla protein powder – 1 scoop
- Blend and enjoy!
Cinnamon Bun Smoothie
- sugar free coconut milk – 1/2 to 1 cup
- avocado – 1/2 small, peeled
- cinnamon – 1/2 teaspoon
- chia seeds – 1 tablespoon
- Solutions 4 – vanilla protein powder – 1 scoop
- ice cubes
- Blend and enjoy!
Chocolate Avocado Smoothie
- avocado – 1 small, peeled
- Non dairy beverage – sugar free coconut or almond milk – 1 cup
- chia seeds – 1 tablespoon
- unsweetened cocoa powder – 1 to 2 teaspoons
- ice cubes
- Blend and enjoy!
Creamy Blueberry Smoothie
- avocado – 1 small, peeled
- Non dairy beverage – sugar free coconut or almond milk – 1 cup
- blueberries – 1/2 cup
- Solutions 4 – vanilla protein powder – 1 scoop
- ice cubes
- Blend and enjoy!
Cocoa Yogurt and Banana Smoothie
- Non dairy beverage – sugar free coconut or almond milk – 1 cup
- unsweetened cocoa powder – 1 to 2 teaspoons
- Greek yogurt – 1 cup
- banana – 1 small
- Solutions 4 – chocolate protein powder – 1 scoop
- Ghee – 2 teaspoons
- Ice cubes
- Blend and enjoy!
We hope you enjoy these recipes. If you and friend, loved one or co-worker need help losing weight call us and schedule your free weight loss consultation. Call 215-821-7336 and schedule your free consultation now.
Philadelphia Weight Loss Doctor Recipe for Fast Weight Loss Health and Wellness
How would you like to reduce your chances of suffering from heart attack, diabetes, stroke, certain cancers in a multitude of other diseases? If this peaks your interest, read the rest of this article. Let me take a moment and invite you to call for your free weight loss consultation if this is your first time visiting our website. Just call Lisa at 215-821-7336 and she will gladly schedule you for free weight loss consultation.
Whether we like it or not your waist measurement, amount of belly fat has a direct correlation with our overall health. Report after report has told us that being overweight/obese can cause a multitude of health issue such as: heart attack, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, heart disease and diabetes.
And now studies tell us that having a big belly, a waist circumference of 37 inches or more for men and for women 31.5 inches can increase the risk of developing breast cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer and many other types of cancer.
It gets even worse because you increase your risk of developing certain types of cancer by as much as 5% for every inch your waist as above these measurements. One of the reasons for this is that your belly fat produces certain type of chemicals – hormones. These hormones increase the inflammatory process in the body and as inflammation increases in the body so those the chance of developing various cancers.
If your belly is protruding or hanging a bit over your pants waistline you definitely need to take this seriously and start taking the necessary steps to reduce your waist size.
Many people think that all they have to do is count calories and they should automatically start losing weight. What they may forget is that calories do matter thought just as important is the types of food that you are eating.
If you are counting calories and decide to eat a candy bar that has 100 calories you have to realize that those 100 calories from a candy bar are not the same as 100 calories from carrots, broccoli or spinach. Each food is processed or metabolized differently by the body. Meaning that the candy bar after being metabolized by the body turns into nothing but pure sugar. As compared to spinach when processed by the body is turned into nutrients that the body needs to be healthy and to function at peak capacity.
That’s why in our weight loss program we emphasize eating foods that will provide our bodies with great nutrition so that we may lose weight but also hopefully improve our overall health and wellness and enhance the ability of our body to function at optimal capacity. So yes the weight loss medications do a great job of reducing her appetite and cravings and this should allow us to make the proper food choices. And that’s why we believe our weight loss program is so successful.
It’s the powerful combination of FDA approved weight loss medications, healthy nutritional recommendations and physical activity that has helped our patients lose weight.
We do our best to educate our patients on proper healthy nutrition. And every week we like to update this website with recipes and articles on health and wellness.
Here are 4 great smoothie recipes:
The Green Monster Smoothie XVIII
- Green Apple – 1, Cored and Seeded
- Celery – 4 Stalks
- Spinach – 1 Handful
- Cucumber – 1 Large, Peeled
- Combine everything into your blender or juicing machine and enjoy.
Morning Pick Me Up Smoothie
- Green apple – 1, cored and seeded
- Kale – 1 handful
- Spinach – 1 handful
- Lemon – ½, peeled
- Combine everything into your blender or juicing machined and enjoy.
Splendor in the Green Smoothie
- Green apple – 1, cored and seeded
- Pear – 1, cored and seeded
- Celery – for stalks
- Spinach – 1 handful
- Lime – ½, peeled
- Process all of the above ingredients in your blender or juicing machine and enjoy.
Creamy Banana Apples Smoothie
- Greek yogurt – ½ cup
- Red Apple – 1, cored and seeded
- Banana – 1, Peeled
- Vanilla Solutions 4 Protein Powder – 2 Scoops
- Spinach – 1 Handful
- Celery – 3 Stalks
- Process all of the above ingredients in your blender and enjoy.
I hope you enjoy the smoothie recipes. If you do like them and if you have any recipes that you would like to share with everyone please let me know the next time you’re in the office and with your permission I will gladly post them online.
If you or someone you know or love need help losing weight and improving overall health and wellness I invite you to call and schedule your free weight loss consultation. Just call us at 215-821-7336 and Lisa will happily schedule your free weight loss consultation.
Looking for a Philadelphia Weight Loss Doctor call us now at 215-821-7336 and schedule your consultation.
Philadelphia Weight Loss Doctor Diet Program
- Orange – 1, peeled
- Carrots – 4, peeled
- Spinach – 2 handfuls
- Place in a blender, blend and enjoy!
- Orange – 1, peeled
- Pear – 1, cored and seeded
- Kale – 1 to 2 handfuls
- Place in a blender, blend and enjoy!
- Vanilla Orange Smoothie
Orange = 1, peeled - Apple – 1, cored and seeded
- Greek Yogurt – 1 cup
- Solutions 4 vanilla protein powder – 1 scoop
- Place in a blender, blend and enjoy!
- Banana – 1, peeled
- Cherries – 1/2 cup, with the pits removed
- Greek Yogurt – 1 cup
- Solutions 4 chocolate protein powder – 1 scoop
- Place in a blender, blend and enjoy!
I hope you enjoy these recipes. For more health and wellness tips please come back to our site next week.
Weight Loss and Diabetes by Philadelphia Weight Loss Doctor
In today’s post I’m going to give you if you several really great smoothie recipes to help you along your weight loss journey and I am going to review help losing weight can reduce the risk of developing overweight related diseases such as diabetes.
Whether we like it or not we have to face the fact that the bigger our waistline becomes the greater our chances of developing certain diseases like diabetes.
And of course, the opposite of this is also true. If we lose weight or do our best to maintain a proper body weight we significantly reduce the chances of developing diabetes. Usually when a person is diagnosed with diabetes type II, the first recommendations the physician recommends is for the person to lose weight. Studies have shown that small amounts of weight loss can greatly reduce the chances of a person developing diabetes.
And in our office, we see people starting with us that have diabetes and as they work with us their HbA1c levels decrease over time.
If you are under the age of 65 just by losing 7% of your body weight you reduce your risk of developing diabetes by as much as 60%. And if you are over the age of 65 you can reduce the risk of developing diabetes by 70% or more.
These numbers are significant because reports estimate that as many as 20 million people in this country have diabetes and that approximately 90% of these people are overweight. In the past, most people thought that diabetes was just a disease that you develop as you get older.
But now reports indicate that at least 37% of people 20 years old or older are prediabetic. This goes hand-in-hand with reports that tell us that more and more of the youth of this country are overweight and/or obese. So, you can see that diabetes does not really care how old you are.
Please be aware that no matter your age is extremely important to maintain a proper body weight to help prevent diseases like diabetes. And if you have been diagnosed with diabetes type II losing weight is so very important to help improve your health. Even the smallest amounts of weight loss have great impact. If you have been told that you are prediabetic just losing 2 pounds of your weight can reduce your chances of developing true diabetes by as much as 11%.
Now to help you lose weight and improve your overall health and wellness here are the smoothie recipes.
Green and Fresh Smoothie
- Peeled cucumber – 1
- pear, cored and seeded – 1
- fresh mint – ½ cup
- peeled lime – ½
- sprouts – ½ cup
- Combine everything into a blender, blend and enjoy.
Cool Apple Smoothie
- Peeled cucumber – 1
- pear, cored and seeded – 1
- small apple cored and seeded – 1
- fresh mint – ½ cup
- peeled lemon – ½
- Just combine everything into a blender or a juice machine and enjoy.
Veggie Pineapple Smoothie
- Kale – 1 handful
- spinach – 1 handful
- pineapple chunks – ¼ cup
- Combine everything into a high-powered blender, blend and enjoy.
Red Melon Smoothie
- small apple cored and seeded – 1
- honeydew chunks – ¼ cup
- watermelon chunks – ¼ cup
- kale – 1 handful
- spinach – 1 handful
- Combine everything into your blender, blend and enjoy.
I hope you found this article useful and I hope it inspires you to make the necessary decisions to improve your health and wellness.
If you are struggling to lose weight I invite you to call us and schedule your free weight loss consultation. Just call 215-332-4770 and we will gladly schedule your free consultation. And if you would like more information on our weight loss program just give us a call. Call us at 215-821-7336.
Our weight loss program includes consultations with the physician, nutrition and exercise counseling, FDA approved appetite suppressant medications/weight loss pills and vitamin B-12 injection therapy.
For more information or to schedule your free weight loss consultation call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule your appointment now.
Philadelphia Medical Weight Loss 4 Paleo Smoothies
Today we are giving you 4 great super-food smoothies to help you lose weight and improve your overall health and wellness. If this is your first time visiting our website and you would like more information on our Philadelphia medical weight loss program I invite you to call and schedule your free consultation. Just call us at 215-821-7336 and we would be happy to schedule you for your free consultation.
Our Dr. supervised weight loss programs consist of using appetite suppressant medications like phentermine, Adipex, vitamin B-12 injection therapy and instruction on proper diet and exercise. Each time you come in we will measure your weight, check your blood pressure and pulse and perform a physical evaluation in addition to reviewing your diet and exercise plan.
Here are the smoothie recipes.
Hawaiian Vegetable Smoothie
- kale – 1 handful
- cucumber – 1, peeled
- coconut water – 1 cup
- spinach – 1 handful
- pineapple chunks – 1/4 cup
- Place all of the ingredients into a high-powered blender, blend and enjoy.
Pineapple Veggie Bomb Smoothie
- Bok choy – 1 handful
- kale – 1 handful
- spinach – 1 handful not
- pineapple chunks – 1/4 cup
- coconut water – 1 cup
- Combine all of the ingredients into a high-powered blender, blend and enjoy.
Pear Veggie Smoothie
- pears – 2 cored and seeded
- fennel – 2 bulbs
- cucumber – 1, peeled
- Spinach – 1 Handful
- Just combine everything into a high-powered blender, blend and enjoy.
The Everything Smoothie
- carrots – 5 peeled
- apple – 1, cored and seeded
- pear – 1 cored and seeded
- kale – 1 handful
- broccoli florets – 1 handful
- beet – 1
- bok choy – 1 handful
- Place everything into a high-powered blender, blend and enjoy.
I hope you enjoy these recipes is much as I do. If you or a friend need help achieving your weight loss goals I invite you to call us and schedule your free consultation. Just call us at 215-821-7336 and we would be happy to schedule your free weight loss consultation.
Philadelphia Diet Doctors Smoothies Recipes For Fast Weight Loss
If you are looking for a Philadelphia Medical Weight Loss Program I invite you to call us for more information or to schedule a free weight loss consultation. Just call us at 215-821-7336 and Lisa or Nicole will be happy to schedule your free weight loss consultation. Our medical weight loss program consists of using appetite suppressant medications, weight loss pills, vitamin B12 injection therapy and sound and simple nutritional diet plans and exercise programs.
Now that summer is approaching most of our patients are asking for smoothie recipes and of course we like to keep our patients happy. So here are a few awesome smoothie recipes to help you lose weight and improve your overall health and wellness.
Low Carb Smoothie
- Broccoli florets – 2 handfuls
- Cauliflower florets – 2 handfuls
- Apple – 1, cored and seeded
- Kale – 1 handful
- Blend and enjoy!
Veggie Fruit Mix Smoothie
- Strawberries – ½ cup
- Celery – 5 stalks
- Apple – 1, cored and seeded
- Cucumber – 1, peeled
- Mint – 2 sprig
- Blend and enjoy!
Splendor in the Green Smoothie
- Apple – 1, cored and seeded
- Kale – 3 handfuls
- Cucumber – 1, peeled
- Fennel – ½ bulb
- Celery – 4 stalks
- Blend and enjoy!
Veggie Pineapple Smoothie
- Pineapple – 1/2 cup peeled and cubed
- Carrots – 3
- Broccoli florets – 2 cups
- Blend and enjoy!
Abundant Health Smoothie
- Tomatoes – 1
- Cucumber – 1, seeded
- Broccoli florets – 2 handfuls
- Carrots – 2
- Celery – 2 stalks
- Lemon – ½ peeled
- Garlic – 1 clove
- Blend and enjoy! This recipe should make two smoothies. You can enjoy them throughout the day.
Lisa’s Refreshing Smoothie
- Cucumber – 1, peeled
- Lime – ½ peeled
- Basil – ½ cup fresh
- Apple – 1, cored and seeded
- Blend and enjoy! This should make about two servings.
Ginger Carrot Apple Smoothie
- Apples – 2
- Carrots – 6
- Cucumber – 1 peeled
- Ginger – ½ teaspoon
- Blend and enjoy! This recipe should make about two servings.
We hope you enjoy this recipes and for your free weight loss consultation just call us at 215-821-7336. And if you have a friend, co-worker and / or loved one that would also like to schedule a free weight loss consultation just give them our number for their free consultation.
Fat Burning Comfort Food for Your Snow Storm Snowed in Party by Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia

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Can you believe it’s March 13th and tonight it’s suppose to snow 12 to 18 inches. So for the next day or so we will probably be snowed in. And we have decided to get together with our siblings for a Snowed In Family Party. In this article I will list 2 comfort recipes we will be making and also a list of some foods that should be purchased before a storm. If you would like more information on our medical weight loss program call us to schedule your free medical weight loss consultation at 215-821-7336.
Here are a few recipes we will be enjoying:
Low Carb Homemade Whipped Cream: 4 servings
- Ingredients:
- (35%) heavy whipping cream – 1 cup
- vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon
- himalayan salt – 1 small pinch
- 1-2 packets of stevia or 1-2 drops of liquid stevia.
- Combine everything in a bowl and use a small hand mixer to whip the cream.
Low Carb Hot Cocoa
- 1 Serving for a large mug
- Ingredients:
- 1/4 cup of heavy cream, or almond or coconut milk – cream – ¼ cup
- cocoa powder – 1 tablespoon
- stevia – 1-2 packets or 1-2 drops of liquid stevia
- cinnamon – just a pinch
- vanilla extract – 1 tablespoon
- himalayan salt – 1 small pinch
- 1 cup of boiling hot water
- Carefully mix all of the ingredients into a mug and stir until it’s all mixed together.
- You can top this with the homemade whipped cream you made.
In case the power goes out we are stocking up on:
- Bottled water
- Tuna in cans or packs
- Sardines
- Fresh fruit
- Canned beans
- Canned meats
- Bread – preferably gluten free
- Wakeupskinny protein powder
- Can opener – a good old fashioned manual one that is not electric
- Paper plates
- Paper cups
- Plastic utensils
- Paper towels
- Toilet paper
- Wipes (wet ones)
- Hand sanitizer
- Heavy duty trash bags
- Extra blankets
- Flash lights
- Batteries for the flashlights
- Battery powered lanterns
- Being able to communicate with people is very important and that is why we are also making sure that our mobile phones are totally charged and have a few portable chargers for our phones.
- Flash lights
- Batteries for the flashlights
I hope you found this article informational. I know it’s different from my usual posts but I felt it was necessary to share.
If you or a friend need help with losing weight I invite you to call and schedule your free medical weight loss consultation. Call us now at 215-821-7336 for your free weight loss consultation.
Lose Weight Fast and Keep It Off with Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia

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If you want to lose weight fast and keep it off call our weight loss program is for you. In our medically proven weight-loss program we use the finest FDA approved appetite suppressant medications weight loss and diet pills vitamin B12 diet injection therapy and develop a simple nutritional weight loss meal plan that allows you to eat real food and still lose weight.
So if you are looking for a medically supervised clinical weight loss program I invite you to call and schedule your free weight loss consultation. Call us now at 215-821-7336 and Lisa will schedule you for your free weight loss consultation.
In addition to high quality FDA approved appetite suppressants we give you meal plans and recipes to help you lose weight and keep it off.
Here are 2 great recipes for you. A great Parfait of Berries and Cream and awesome chicken wings that are great for Sunday football games.
Elyse’s Favorite Parfait – Berries and Cream – Paleo Recipe
- Heavy cream– whipping cream–1/2 cup
- Cocoa powder–1 tablespoon
- Vanilla extract– 1 teaspoon
- Almonds – 6 crushed almonds
- Walnuts– 6 crushed walnuts
- Strawberries– 3 strawberries diced
- Raspberries – 1/3 cup
- BlackBerries– 1/3 third cup
- Blueberries– 10 blueberries
- Chia seeds– 1/2 tablespoons
- Flax seeds – 1/2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed
- Cinnamon – 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
First put your heavy whipping cream in a large bowl and mix in the vanilla extract and cocoa powder.
Then using a mixer, mix the cream – (whip it) – for about 3 minutes. If you like, you can place this in the freezer for about 40 minutes for a nice cold snack. Then mix the nuts and berries into the cream. After that, mix in the ground flaxseed, Chia seeds and then sprinkle the cinnamon over top if you like.
This recipe makes two servings. I like this recipe because the nuts make it crunchy, the fruit makes it sweet (but not too sweet) and the full fat heavy cream makes it even more enjoyable. This is great for breakfast and it’s also really good for a snack during the day. The nuts and cream make it hearty enough for the cold winter months and it’s also cool and refreshing for those hot summer days. It’s a perfect recipe.
Football Sunday Wings
- Chicken wings – 2 pounds
- Himalayan salt – 1 tablespoon
- Ground black pepper – 1 teaspoon
- Baking powder – 1 tablespoon
- Smoked paprika – 1 teaspoon
- Garlic salt – 1 teaspoon
- Coconut oil – 2 tablespoons
- Optional- hot sauce- 2 tablespoons
Mix together the pepper, salt, baking powder, paprika and garlic salt. Take a large plastic Ziploc bag and add the chicken wings along with your mixture of spices. Close it and then shake the bag well to coat all of the wings with the seasoning. Preheat a large pan over medium heat and melt the coconut oil. Next check your chicken wings and place them in the skillet and then place a cover over top of the skillet and cook this for about 10–12 minutes. Then flip the wings over and let them cook for another 10–12 minutes until they are nice and brown. When they are finished cooking remove them from the heat and cool down for a little bit. You could serve them with hot sauce if you like.
I hope you enjoy these recipes and if you need help losing weight just call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule your free weight loss consultation.
Bye Bye Belly- New Ways To Lose It by Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia
If you are looking to lose weight our Philadelphia medical weight loss program can help you achieve your weight loss goals. In fact using this program I have dropped from 247 lbs down to 173 lbs over the past months. On our weight loss program I wasn’t hungry and I was able to enjoy real food that was delicious, satisfying and tasty.
Here are a few of the tasty recipes that I was able to enjoy while losing weight.
Creamy Berries Ginger Cinnamon Sensation
- 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
- 3 tablespoons of heavy cream
- 1.5 cups of water
- 7 – 8 raspberries
- 1 cup of spinach or kale
- 1 teaspoon of chia seeds
- 1 teaspoon of grated ginger
- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
- combine all the ingredients into a blender and enjoy.
Chocolate Raspberry Dream Smoothie
- 1 cup of coconut cream or Greek yogurt
- 1 cup of water
- 2 tablespoons of heavy cream
- 5 – 10 drops of liquid chocolate stevia
- 4 tablespoons of raspberries
- 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder
- combine all of the ingredients into a blender and enjoy.
So there you have it some delicious recipes that will tantalize your taste buds, satisfy your hunger and cravings, fill your tummy and say bye bye to your belly.
I hope these recipes help make your losing weight easier, tastier and more enjoyable. If you need assistance with your weight loss please call us for your totally free medical weight loss consultation at 215-821-7336.
As of July 12, 2015 these free medical weight loss consultations are being offered for a limited time. Call 215-821-7336 and schedule your free consultation now.
The appetite suppressant pills helped decrease my cravings and my appetite and the vitamin B12 injection gave me a controlled boost of energy. The combination of the weight loss pills, vitamin B12 injections, sensible eating plans and a walking program helped make my losing weight a reality.
We even have weight loss plans designed especially for people who have diabetes, hypothyroidism and polycystic ovarian syndrome.
So if you’re looking to lose weight or just become more healthy call us and let us see how we can help you.
In our weight loss program there are no gimmicks, no tricks and no magic diet fads but rather a medically sound blue-print with step by step instruction on how to achieve your goals.
So call us now at 215-821-7336 for your free consultation.
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