A Smoothie a Day Keeps the Fat Away by Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia
Losing weight and keeping it off cannot get any easier than with our medical weight loss program in Philadelphia.
In our Philadelphia medically supervised weight loss program we use the finest FDA approved appetite suppressant medications, weight loss pills and diet pills to help you lose weight by getting your appetite under control and teaching you what you should be eating and even what type of exercises you should be doing if your goal is to lose pounds and inches.
For more information on our medical weight loss program just call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule your free weight loss consultation.
Our medical weight loss program is different from many of the other weight loss clinics and diet doctors in Philadelphia. In our program we give you high quality weight loss medications but we spend the time to teach you the proper foods that you should be eating. The number of calories you should be consuming on a daily basis and even the best exercises for fat burning. Lots of other weight loss doctors in the area may just give you the weight loss pills and expect you to figure out the whole diet plan on your own.
But in our program we like to provide our weight loss patients with a totally comprehensive plan for losing weight. This is why we spend time with you reviewing a sensible eating plan and why I spend so much time updating this blog every week. Every week I update this blog with the recipes that are either low in calories or low in sugar or carbohydrate.
So every week everyone can visit the site and copy these recipes so that you are not lacking of delicious foods to eat. Now here are 4 smoothie recipes that have tons of nutrition and will assist you in achieving your weight loss goals.
Personally I like to have 1 – 2 shakes a day and 1-2 sensible real food meals to help me maintain the 80 pounds of weight that I have lost.
Here are the recipes:
Bananas Blueberries and Kale Super Smoothie
Unsweetened almond milk – 1/4 cup
kale – 2 handfuls
frozen banana – 1
blueberries – 1 handful
ice cubes – 1/4 cup
This makes 2 servings.
Combine everything in a blender and enjoy!
Cinnamon Pear and Squash Smoothie
Frozen cooked winter squash – 34 cup
ground cinnamon – 1/4 tsp
honey – 1 teaspoon
1 small pear seeded and cut into chunks
This makes 1 – 2 servings.
Combine everything in a blender and enjoy!
Simply Green Smoothie
1/2 cucumber
3 celery stalks
1 handful spinach
1 handful kale
1 handful frozen berries
This makes 1 – 2 servings.
Combine everything in a blender and enjoy!
Apple and Veggie Smoothie
1 carrot
1 beet
1 celery stalk
1 apple
This makes 1 – 2 servings.
Combine everything in a blender and enjoy!
So there you have it 4 great smoothie recipes to help you lose weight.
If you or someone you know needs help with losing weight invite you to call us and schedule your free medical weight loss consultation. Call us now at 215-821-7336 and we will be glad to schedule you for your free consultation.
- Published in Medical Weight Loss, Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia PA, Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia, weight loss philadelphia
Belly Fat Busting Snacks by Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia
If you are looking for a medical weight-loss program that uses FDA approved appetite suppressant medications weight loss pills and diet pills all under the supervision of a medical physician we are the place for you.
For more information on our weight loss program I invite you to call us and schedule your free weight loss consultation at 215-821-7336 and Lisa will be happy to schedule your free weight loss consultation.
We believe that our weight loss program is successful because in addition to giving you the FDA approved weight loss pills we instruct you on how to eat properly. It’s our philosophy that food is life and that starvation diets do not work. So in our program we show you how to eat real food and give you recipes and meal plans that are delicious. So with that being said here are some fantastic recipes.
Today I’m going to give you the recipes for a honey banana smoothie, low-carb butterscotch crispy bars ( a low-carb version of Butterfingers), a cocoa nutty sweet treat recipe and even a low carbohydrate recipe for good old-fashioned redfish.
I hope that you enjoy this recipes and if you need help with losing weight or someone you know needs help with losing weight please give them our number, 215-821-7336 and they can set up a free consultation.
Honey Banana Smoothie Recipe
- Ingredients:
- water – 3/4 cup
- unsweetened coconut milk – 1/4 cup
- frozen bananas -2
- honey – 1 tsp
- ground ginger – 1/4 tsp
- ground cinnamon – 1/4 tsp
- vanilla – 1/4 tsp
Now just combine all of these yummy ingredients into a blender, blend away and enjoy.
Low-Carb Butterscotch Delight Crispy Bars
- Crispy Crunchy for the inside:
- Swerve – 1 cup
- butterscotch extract – 2 teaspoon
- coconut oil – 3 tablespoons
- butter or coconut oil – 1/4 cup
- Swerve or erythritol – 1/4 cup
- stevia glycerite – 1 teaspoon
- cream cheese – 1/4 cup
- natural peanut butter – 1/4 cup
- vanilla – 1 teaspoon
Chocolate Icing:
- butter or coconut oil – 6 tablespoons
- unsweetened cocoa powder – 4 tablespoons
- Swerve confectioner – 4 tablespoons
- stevia glycerite – 1 teaspoon
- vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon
- ground sea salt – 1/8 teaspoon
To make the crispy part:
Start by pre-heating our oven to 350°F and then line a baking sheet with a good-quality parchment paper. After that mix together the coconut oil, the butterscotch extract and the swerve until it looks like small breadcrumbs.
Now all that you have to do is spoon it out on top of your parchment paper and spread it nicely into a thin layer. Place it in the oven and allow it to bake for approximately 15 minutes, plus or minus a few minutes. When it’s done just take it out of the oven and set it on the side and let it cool down totally. The more you let it cool the harder the candy will become and just break it into tiny pieces.
To make the nugget:
As the yummy crunchy part is in the oven baking we can now make the nugget. Put your 1/4 cup of swerve, 1/4 cup of natural peanut butter, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon of Stevia glycerite, 1/4 cup of butter and the cream cheese in a medium-sized bowl ( just make sure that it’s microwavable safe), stir it up a little bit then place it in your microwave for approximately one minute or so. Let it cool down and then mix everything together nicely.
Now, just mix the nugget to the crunchy part that you have broken into pieces and mix them until they are combined nicely. Take a 4 x 4 inch glass container and lined with parchment paper and pour this mixture into it. Make sure that you level out the top.
To make the Chocolate icing:
Place a saucepan over low heat and add in your coconut oil and when it starts to melt store in your extracts, chocolate, salt and sweeteners until everything is totally melted. When this is melted spread it over top of your nugget mixture and then sent it back in your refrigerator to cool down. When it is ready just cut it into any size of bars that you like. I hope you enjoy these nice tasty snacks as much as I do. This recipe makes eight servings and each of them has approximately 3 grams of carbohydrates, 250 cal about 4 grams of protein.
Cocoa Nutty Low-Carb Treats
- Ingredients
- Swerve – 1 cup
- unsweetened cocoa powder – 3 tbsp
- vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon
- almond extract – 1/4 tsp
- coconut oil – 3 tbsp
Start by preheating your oven to 350°F and take a baking sheet and spread parchment paper over top. Take a nice sized bowl and mix together your extracts, sweeteners, coconut oil and of course your cocoa powder. Mix it together until it forms into the shape resembling small breadcrumbs. Now, just spread it out over top of your baking sheets and bake it for approximately the 13 – 16 minutes. The cooking time will vary depending upon the intensity of your oven. When it finished baking, allow it to cool down. It will get harder the longer that cools. Be sure that you keep this in an container that is airtight in the refrigerator. I have kept it in the refrigerator up to 2 this table 3 weeks and it was fine. You can use this as a topping for some of the other great recipes I have on the site or you can just eat it by itself. This recipe makes 4 servings and each has approximately 97 cal, 1/2 grams of protein and 1 grams of carbohydrates.
Red Fish
- Ingredients
- natural sweetener -1/2 to 1 tbsp
- water – 3 tbsps
- gelatin – collagen gelatin – 1½ tbsp
- Instructions
Take a microwavable safe cup and mixing your sweetener, gelatin and water and stir it all and so everything’s is totally dissolved. Now all you have to do is put in your microwave for about 35 to 50 seconds, just until it starts to boil. Allow it to cool down a little bit and then pour it into a tray. My younger nieces love gummy worms so my wife found a cute gummy worms tray that we pour this mixture into and make it for them. Now we are ready to set them in the refrigerator and keep them there until they are from. This recipe makes one serving and the total serving has about 20 cal, 6 grams of protein and 0 carbohydrates.
So there you have it some awesome delicious recipes that are weight loss patients are able to enjoy, while burning body fat and losing pounds and inches. I hope you enjoy them. If you are a friend or loved one need help losing weight call us and schedule your free weight loss consultation 215-821-7336.
Fat Burning Italian Food Recipes by Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia
In our Philadelphia and Bucks County medical weight loss centers our goal is to help you lose weight and keep it off. And we do this by providing you with the finest FDA approved weight loss pills, diet pills, appetite suppressant medications, vitamin B-12 injections therapy and delicious meal plans that are designed to satisfy your cravings and help eliminate your hunger.
And these meal plans taste good too. So, if you are looking to lose weight and keep it off, while still eating delicious food I invite you to call us and schedule your free medical weight loss consultation at our Philadelphia medical weight loss center or our Bucks County medical weight loss center. Call us now at 215-821-7336 and schedule your free weight loss consultation.
If you are one of our weight loss patients you know that I believe that food is meant to be enjoyed. Growing up in my family everything that we did, every celebration every event was always celebrated with food, and lots of. In a sense, food was a celebration of life.
And some of my happiest from childhood are of sitting together with my great-grandparents, grandparents, parents, my brother and sister, and uncles and cousins at my great-grandmothers dining room table where we feasted upon ravioli, lasagna, baked zitti, gnocchi and desserts like ricotta filled cannolis and cream puffs. Yes, you may have guessed, that I grew up in a large Italian family! And like most Italian families most interactions with one another took place at the kitchen table or dining room table enjoying good food and each other.
That is why in our weight loss program we make a point of giving you lots of recipes of wholesome food that we all grew up eating but our versions of these recipes will have lower calories and lower carbohydrates. Making them weight loss friendly. But they taste so good you won’t believe there diet food.
So here are two great recipes; one is for a low carbohydrate version of my grandmother’s rotolo and the other is for a low-carb recipe for lasagna that is quick and easy to make.
This is a family recipe that my great-grandmother Virginia has handed down to my wife. My wife has changed the recipe a bit, to make it more diabetic friendly, but it tastes just as good if not better than Great[grandma’s recipe.
Rotolo – Verdi Style
- Ingredients for the Filling:
- ricotta cheese – 12 ounces 1 1/2 cups
- Parmesan cheese, approximately the 4 ounces of grated Parmesan cheese
- finely chopped fresh oregano – 1/2 cup
- finely chopped – fresh parsley – 1/2 cup
- egg – 1 large egg
- minced raw garlic – 3 cloves
- Sea salt – 1/2 teaspoon
- nutmeg – 1/8 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
- black pepper – 1/8 teaspoon of ground black pepper
- Additional Ingredients:
- Roasted or delimeat chicken breast that you can get from your supermarket – cut into strips that are 1.5 inches wide and 6 inches long. You should have about 24 slices of meat.
- 2 cups of tomato sauce
- shredded mozzarella cheese – approximately the 1/2 cup
- some additional Parmesan cheese to serve over top when everything is finished cooking.
First preheat your oven to 300°F. Combine all of the ingredients together except for the chicken breast tomato sauce and the extra 1/2 cup of shredded mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. Make sure that all of the ingredients are mixed nicely.
Then take your strips of chicken and place them on your counter and take 1/3 cup of the mixture of all your ingredients in place it on to your strip of chicken. Then start rolling it up and place it with the seam side down. Do this with the rest of your chicken strips. After that take 1 cup of your tomato sauce and pour it into the bottom of a cast iron skillet approximately 12 inches or you can use any other type of ovenproof skillet or pan.
Then take your chicken rolls and put them in the pan with them laying on their side. Take all of your roles of meat and place them in the pan so they fit very snugly. Make sure that your filling is facing upward. Next take the remaining 1 cup of tomato sauce and pour it over top. You can now put this in your oven and let it bake for approximately the 20 minutes or until the cheese is melted completely.
When it is done take it out of the oven and you can now sprinkle your mozzarella generously over top. Place it back in the oven for about another 10 minutes or so or until the cheese is melted once again. After that take it out of the oven and let it stand for at least a good 15 minutes before serving. And of course you can top it with the extra Parmesan cheese if you would like.
This recipe makes 12 servings each of them has about 386 calories, 61 grams of protein and 5 grams of carbohydrates.
Lasagna – Low Carb Style Roll Ups
- Ingredients:
- approximately three-quarter pound and you can use either oven roasted chicken breast from the deli counter – approximately 16 slices or you can use sliced oven roasted turkey from your deli counter. Make sure that the slices of meat are approximately 1/8 inch and you want to have 16 slices.
- To make the filling you will need:
- ricotta cheese – 1 cup
- egg – 1 large egg
- Parmesan cheese – approximately 1/3 cup of grated Parmesan cheese
- mozzarella cheese – 1 1/2 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese
- Additional Ingredients
- tomatoes – three medium-sized tomatoes – sliced thin
- fresh basil leaves
- 2 cups of tomato sauce – meat sauce or marinara sauce
As always first we have to preheat your oven. Preheat the oven to 325°F. Place your turkey on a large sheet of parchment paper. To make the filling take a large bowl and mix together the eggs ricotta cheese until their mixed nicely and then stir in the mozzarella cheese and the Parmesan cheese.
After you have made the filling take about 1/4 cup of it and place it on top of one of your meat slices and spread it out evenly. Do this with the remaining slices of meat. Take about 3 slices of tomato and place them over top of your filling on each of the slices of meat. Next take some of your basil and place it on top of your tomatoes.
After that rollup each slice of meat and place them, seam side down, a and a baking dish that is approximately 8 inches. When you have all of the strips of meat rolled up with the mixture tomato and basil inside and placed in your baking pans top each one of them with the marinara sauce. I like to use about 2 – 3 tablespoons of the sauce.
Now we are finally ready to place it in the oven and bake it for about 25 minutes or so or until the cheese is melted. This recipe makes four servings each of them has 467 cal, 50 grams of protein and 9 g of carbohydrates.
I truly do hope you enjoy these recipes and if you would like help losing weight I invite you to call us and schedule your free consultation. Call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule your free weight loss consultation now.
Lose Weight Fast and Keep It Off with Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia

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If you want to lose weight fast and keep it off call our weight loss program is for you. In our medically proven weight-loss program we use the finest FDA approved appetite suppressant medications weight loss and diet pills vitamin B12 diet injection therapy and develop a simple nutritional weight loss meal plan that allows you to eat real food and still lose weight.
So if you are looking for a medically supervised clinical weight loss program I invite you to call and schedule your free weight loss consultation. Call us now at 215-821-7336 and Lisa will schedule you for your free weight loss consultation.
In addition to high quality FDA approved appetite suppressants we give you meal plans and recipes to help you lose weight and keep it off.
Here are 2 great recipes for you. A great Parfait of Berries and Cream and awesome chicken wings that are great for Sunday football games.
Elyse’s Favorite Parfait – Berries and Cream – Paleo Recipe
- Heavy cream– whipping cream–1/2 cup
- Cocoa powder–1 tablespoon
- Vanilla extract– 1 teaspoon
- Almonds – 6 crushed almonds
- Walnuts– 6 crushed walnuts
- Strawberries– 3 strawberries diced
- Raspberries – 1/3 cup
- BlackBerries– 1/3 third cup
- Blueberries– 10 blueberries
- Chia seeds– 1/2 tablespoons
- Flax seeds – 1/2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed
- Cinnamon – 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
First put your heavy whipping cream in a large bowl and mix in the vanilla extract and cocoa powder.
Then using a mixer, mix the cream – (whip it) – for about 3 minutes. If you like, you can place this in the freezer for about 40 minutes for a nice cold snack. Then mix the nuts and berries into the cream. After that, mix in the ground flaxseed, Chia seeds and then sprinkle the cinnamon over top if you like.
This recipe makes two servings. I like this recipe because the nuts make it crunchy, the fruit makes it sweet (but not too sweet) and the full fat heavy cream makes it even more enjoyable. This is great for breakfast and it’s also really good for a snack during the day. The nuts and cream make it hearty enough for the cold winter months and it’s also cool and refreshing for those hot summer days. It’s a perfect recipe.
Football Sunday Wings
- Chicken wings – 2 pounds
- Himalayan salt – 1 tablespoon
- Ground black pepper – 1 teaspoon
- Baking powder – 1 tablespoon
- Smoked paprika – 1 teaspoon
- Garlic salt – 1 teaspoon
- Coconut oil – 2 tablespoons
- Optional- hot sauce- 2 tablespoons
Mix together the pepper, salt, baking powder, paprika and garlic salt. Take a large plastic Ziploc bag and add the chicken wings along with your mixture of spices. Close it and then shake the bag well to coat all of the wings with the seasoning. Preheat a large pan over medium heat and melt the coconut oil. Next check your chicken wings and place them in the skillet and then place a cover over top of the skillet and cook this for about 10–12 minutes. Then flip the wings over and let them cook for another 10–12 minutes until they are nice and brown. When they are finished cooking remove them from the heat and cool down for a little bit. You could serve them with hot sauce if you like.
I hope you enjoy these recipes and if you need help losing weight just call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule your free weight loss consultation.
Hunger Killing Belly Flattening Super Shakes by Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia

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If you are trying to lose weight and would like more information on our medically supervised weight loss program call us now and Lisa will schedule you for your free weight loss consultation. Call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule your free consultation now. In addition to using FDA approved medical weight loss pills appetite suppressant medications and Vitamin B12 injection therapy we also coach you in the correct type of nutrition diet eating plan to help you safely lose as much weight as you can and as fast as you can. We will also coach you in the correct type of exercise plan for maximal fat loss depending on your age, overall health and level of physical fitness. And every week we add more delicious recipes to our blog here so that you never get bored eating just plain old diet food.
So for more information on our weight loss plan call us now at 215-821-7336 and schedule your free weight loss consultation.
And here are the delicious shakes I promised:
Cravings Killer Smoothie
- Ingredients:
- banana -1 medium sized banana
- avocado – 1/2 of a small to medium size avocado
- spinach – 1 to 2 cups of spinach or kale
- coconut oil – 1 to 2 tablespoons
- sugar free coconut milk – 1/4 cup
- water – 1 cup
- cinnamon – 1 teaspoon
All of the good healthy fats help control your appetite and cravings and the cinnamon helps to control your blood sugar levels and that is what controls controls you craving sugar.
Vanilla & Berry Tea Latte for Two
- Ingredients:
- 2 to 3 cups of steeped hot tea
- 1 to 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
- 2 to 3 tablespoons of butter – grass fed butter
- Berries – ½ cup of any berry
- Salt – a dash of sea salt
Put all of the ingredients into a blender. Blend and enjoy. This serves 2 people.
Mega Immune Booster Tea
- ½ can of sugar free coconut milk (you can use full fat)
- Dried turmeric – 1 teaspoon
- Honey – 1 teaspoon
- Ginger – 1 teaspoon of grated ginger
- Butter – 1 tablespoon or 1 teaspoon of collagen powder
Add all of the ingredients into a pan and continuously stir until it is warm and totally mixed together
Carrot Cake For Two Super Smoothie
- Ingredients:
- 2 to 3 carrots – chopped
- Banana – 1
- Avocado -1
- Unsweetened coconut milk – 1 can of full fat coconut milk
- Ginger – 1 teaspoon
- Cinnamon – 1 teaspoon
- Collagen powder- 2 tablespoons
- Gelatin powder – 2 tablespoons
Add all of the ingredients, except for the gelatin and collagen powders into a blender and blend it all together. Then add the collagen and gelatin powders and blend at the lowest speed. And Enjoy! This serves 2 people.
I hope you enjoy these recipes.
Call us now at 215-821-7336 for your free weight loss consultation.
How To Get Fit & Lose Weight by Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia

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Hello everyone and Happy New Year!
With the new year comes new beginnings. A time to start over and make anew. A moment to feel and imagine all of what you want to accomplish this upcoming year. It’s the time to truly appreciate where you are and how far you have come. This is your year! 2017 is the year that you achieve your goals and become the best you that you can possibly be.
And if your New Year’s resolution is to lose weight, improve your overall health and wellness and become more physically fit I invite you to call us for a free consultation and see if we can help you achieve all of your goals. Call us now at 215-821-7336 and schedule your free weight loss health and wellness consultation.
One of the most popular new year resolutions is to lose weight. But if you don’t have the proper plan, the correct information and realistic guidance most people do not achieve their goals. And this is why I believe that our weight loss programs are so successful. Because we try our best to work with our weight loss patients in developing a realistic weight loss plan that they are able to do in their hectic and crazy busy life.
We also try to have people eat foods that they really enjoy. So our medical weight loss program goes way beyond weight loss pills, appetite suppressant medications, diet pills and vitamin B-12 injections therapy. In addition we will instruct you in a plan that will include the proper types of food that you should be eating for your metabolism, body type, how many calories you should be eating in a day and recommending the proper type of physical activities/exercise that will help you lose weight, burn body fat and not be bulky and blocky.
It’s unbelievable how many people come into our office and are exercising almost every day and they are just getting heavier, bigger and developing a body that looks like a block or a square. And most of the time this is because they are doing the wrong types of exercises.
If your goal is to lose pounds and inches there were certain type of exercises that work best for this. And they are totally different from exercises that are designed to increase muscle mass. So if you are exercising to lose weight and body fat and are just getting heavier and more bulky you’re probably doing the wrong type of exercises. So call us for your free consultation and let us help you design a plan that will assist you in achieving your goals. Call us now at 215-821-7336 and set up your totally free weight loss consultation.
If you are already a patient in our Philadelphia medical weight loss program or our Bucks County medical weight loss program you have probably come here for more recipes. And today I have for you a very nice chicken casserole recipe that my wife Elyse is going to make for us today.
Chicken Casserole – Low Carb Recipe*
bacon – 8 slices
zucchini – one medium-sized zucchini cut into,1/2 inch cubes
eggs – two large eggs
Dressing Ingredients:
mayonnaise – 1/2 cup
chicken broth – 1/4 cup
chives – 1 tablespoon of snipped chives
fresh dill – 1 1/2 teaspoons finely chopped
flat leaf parsley – 1 1/2 teaspoons finely chopped
onion powder – 1/2 teaspoon
garlic powder – 1/2 teaspoon
black pepper and sea salt to taste
cooked chicken thigh meat – 2 cups cooked and chopped up
avocado – one half of an avocado diced
tomato – one tomato seeded and diced
cheddar cheese – 2 ounces
Use an oven safe skillet and fry the bacon until it’s nice and crisp. When it’s finished cooking remove the bacon from the pan but leave the drippings from the bacon in the pan. Then crumble the bacon and set it on the side. Next take your cubed zucchini and add to the pan and let it fry for about five minutes or so until the zucchini is tender and has soaked up all of the bacon drippings. Then remove the zucchini from the pan and allow it to cool down. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Then place your eggs in a saucepan cover with water and then set it atop a flame and let it boil and when it starts to boil cover it with a lid and remove it from the heat. Just keep the eggs sitting in the hot water for about 11 or 12 minutes. Next remove the eggs from the hot water cool and them down in ice water or under cold running water. When they are cool peel them and slice them. In a very large bowl combine all of the ingredients for the dressing and stir them all together well. After that stir in the hard-boiled eggs, tomato, cheese, chicken, avocado, bacon crumbles and the zucchini cubes. Mix everything so that it’s combined together well. After that, move this mixture into and 8 in.² baking dish. Place it in the oven and let it cook for approximately 20 minutes. When it’s done you can garnish it with anything that you like before serving. This recipe makes eight servings each of them has approximately 270 cal, 10 g of protein, about 3 g of carbohydrates in 1 1/2 g of fiber.
May this year bring you the best in health, wellness, prosperity and love. I wish you all much love and many blessings in life.
And if you would like us to help you with your weight loss for this new year call us and set up your free weight loss consultation call us at 215-821-7336.
This recipe is from the book the ketogenic cook book written by Jimmy Moore and Maria Emmerich. It is an awesome book especially for those of us that are looking to keep our blood sugar levels relatively low. It should definitely be part of your cookbook library.
200 Calorie Comfort Foods for Easy Weight Loss by Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia

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Hi everyone and as promised here are a few more low-calorie recipes for this holiday season.
Now that winter is finally upon us most of us are craving traditional comfort foods that make us feel good and also warm our tummies.
So I am going to give you three recipes today for some of my favorite comfort foods. Of course I’m going to give you the low-calorie versions. Each recipe is going to have approximately 200 cal (plus or minus) for each serving size.
If you are new to our practice and would like some more information on our weight loss programs, I invite you to call us at 215-821-7336 and Lisa will be happy to schedule you for your free weight loss consultation.
Not only are these recipes delicious comfort foods but are also quick and easy to make.
Chili Soup Vegan Friendly
onion – 1 cup chopped
garlic – 1 teaspoon minced
Olive Oil – 1 tablespoon
celery – 1 cup of chopped celery
2 cups of carrots that have been peeled and thinly sliced
green bell pepper – 2 cups chopped
frozen corn – 10 ounces
salsa – 1 cup
sliced mushrooms – 8 ounces
water – 1 1/4 cup
kidney beans – 14 ounces – drained
canned tomatoes – 14 ounces
lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
dried oregano – 1/4 teaspoon
ground cumin – 1 teaspoon
chili powder – 1 teaspoon
black pepper – 1 teaspoon
This is a fantastic recipe each serving has about 132 cal, 7 g of protein and 7 g of fiber and 24 g of carbohydrates. This recipe makes approximately 10 servings. Get all of your ingredients together then sauté the garlic in the onion and Olive Oil until it’s very tender. Then add the remaining fresh vegetables and sauté this for about three minutes or so. After that add the rest of the ingredients, cover it and let it simmer until all everything is mixed together and the vegetables are nice and tender. This normally takes about another 25 – 30 minutes.
Italian Soup Recipe
crushed garlic – 1/2 teaspoon
Olive Oil – 1 tablespoon
chicken broth – 6 cups
tortellini – cheese tortellini – 8 ounces
spinach – frozen spinach and 10 ounces thawed
stewed tomatoes – 14 1/2 ounces no salt added – chop them up
Parmesan cheese – 6 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese
In a nice sized pan sauté your garlic in oil for about 3 minutes. Then add the broth and the tortellini and heat this until it starts to boil. When it finally we starts to boil reduce the heat and let it simmer for approximately 10 minutes. Add your spinach and tomatoes and simmer this for about five minutes more. When you are ready just spoon it out into your bowls and top with the Parmesan cheese. This recipe makes approximately 6 servings and each of them has about 217 cal, 15 g of protein and 24 g of carbohydrates.
Pasta Veggies and More Recipe
This is a fantastic recipe it really is one of my favorite comfort food recipes. It’s especially good when it’s cold day outside.
whole-wheat pasta – 2 cups uncooked
broccoli florettes – 1 cup
carrots – 1/2 cup of sliced carrots
celery – 1/2 cup of sliced celery
red bell pepper – 1/2 cup chopped up
green beans – 1/2 cup
black pepper – 1/4 teaspoon
cherry tomatoes – slice 30 cherry tomatoes in half
Parmesan cheese – 1/4 cup of grated Parmesan cheese
fresh basil – 2 tablespoons of fresh basil chopped
olive oil – 2 tablespoons
First we should cook our pasta like we normally would following the directions on the package it came in. Wait until the last three remaining minutes of the instructed cooking time for the pasta and add the green beans, broccoli, bell pepper, celery and carrots to the pan. When it’s finished cooking remove it from the flame and drain your pasta and the vegetables. Add the black pepper to the pasta and mix everything nicely. And now add the tomatoes, Olive Oil, basil and cheese and mix it and serve.
This recipe is enough for 4 people. Each serving has approximately 220 cal, 9 g of protein and 30 g of carbohydrates.
I hope you enjoy these recipes. If you, a friend or loved one need help with losing weight invite you to call us and schedule your totally free weight loss consultation. Call us at 215-821-7336 and schedule your free consultation now.
Cookies and Cream Zero Belly Fat Recipe by Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia

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Hi everyone this is Dr. Kenny. I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season. In this blog post I’m going to give you an awesome recipe for a mug cake. It’s another twist on the recipe for a cookies and cream cake. This recipe is great because it’s loaded with cookie chunks and it’s super simple and quick to make. It has lots of good healthy protein, fiber and it’s also gluten-free, dairy free and paleo friendly.
During the holiday season of November and December statistics tell us that people can gain anywhere from 10 pounds and is much as 20 pounds during these two months.
Between family dinners, get-togethers and celebrations with friends and family and even people bringing lots of delicious but fattening goodies into the workplace it’s very difficult to maintain any type of healthy eating program let alone a weight loss eating nutrition program.
So that is why during these next few weeks I’m going to step up my game and try to add at least three new recipes to our website. Some of these recipes may be low carbohydrate and low sugar and others will be low-calorie versions of foods that we love to eat. I am also going to try to add some healthy ingredients to foods that are normally loaded with sugar and lots of calories.
And that’s exactly what I’m doing with this recipe for this cooking cream mug cake. Usually this type of recipe has nothing but lots and lots of sugar in calories and provide no nutritional value. But by using coconut flour and almond flour we are adding good healthy fiber and significantly decreasing the amount of sugar that we would normally be eating if this recipe was made from good old white processed flour. And because we are using Stevia or swerve instead of regular sugar we are decreasing the amount of sugar that would normally be in this type of recipe. By using unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk we are also increasing its nutritional value and eliminating lots of allergic reactions that are associated with normal regular dairy products such as milk.
If you want to make this recipe totally good for you you should probably decrease the amount of optional ingredients like in the unsweetened sugar-free chocolate or vanilla chips. I just added these in their because my son Noah saw me making this recipe this morning and he wanted to add some additional flavor to the recipe. If you like the addition of the unsweetened/sugar free chocolate or vanilla chips make sure you tell Noah when you see him working in the office this summer.
If you are not one of our Philadelphia medical weight loss patients or Bucks County medical weight loss patients and would like information on our weight loss program, I invite you to call us and schedule your free medical weight loss consultation. Call us now at 215-821-7336 and Lisa will be more than happy to schedule your free consultation.
Here is the recipe:
Creamy Cookie Cake Recipe – Low Carb
- Ingredients
- coconut flour – 1&1/2 TBSPS
- almond flour – 1 TBSP
- sea salt – just a dash
- baking powder – 1/2 TSP
- Swerve or Stevia – 1 TBSP
- Paleo cookie – any kind of 1-3 paleo cookies
- egg – 1 large egg
- unsweetened almond or coconut milk any flavor – 1/4 cup
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract – 1/2 TSP
- Optional – unsweetened/sugar free chocolate or vanilla chips – 1 TBSP
Instructions: In an oversized mug or even a bowl mix together your coconut flour, salt, baking powder, almond flour, swerve or Stevia and your cookie.
Take another bowl and mix together your unsweetened coconut milk or almond milk, eggs and vanilla extract. Make sure that you blend this well together. Now that you have your dry ingredients in one bowl and your wet ingredients in another were going to combined the two of them and stir everything until it’s mixed together nicely.
Next get an over-sized mug or even better a nice sized ball and for everything into it. Place it in the microwave and cook it for about 45 seconds. Then take it out of the microwave and check it. At this point you can add your chocolate chips and place it back to the microwave and cook it for as long as it needs to cook everything thoroughly.
This could possibly take another minute or so. Total microwaving time is anywhere from 1 – 2 minutes. But again depending upon the strength of your microwave it might be a little bit more or even a little bit less time. When it’s thoroughly cooked take it out of the microwave let it cool down quite a bit before attempting to eat it. This recipe makes one serving.
So there you have it another fantastic low-carb recipe that not only taste good but it’s also very good for your waistline.
If you would like more information on our medical weight loss program again I invite you to call us at 215-821-7336 and Lisa will be happy to schedule your totally free weight loss consultation. In your free weight loss consultation we will review the various type of weight loss programs and services that we offer and review your personal health and physical decision the determine which of our weight loss program would be the best for you in the safest.
Our goal is to help you lose weight safely and as quickly as possible and also improve your overall health and wellness.
2 Holiday Dessert Recipes To Lose Weight by Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia
Happy holidays everyone! During this holiday season it’s almost impossible not to enjoy the delicious feasts, cakes and desserts with family and friends. So to help you maintain your weight loss during this holiday season I’m going to give you two phenomenal recipes that are low-carb and low in sugar.
The recipes are for my favorite Oreo and cream cheesecake and one of my favorite cookie recipes. And please remember that In our Philadelphia Medical Weight Loss Program and our Bucks County Medical Weight Loss Program our goal is to have you enjoying lots of good healthy delicious food while you are losing weight and improving your health. If you are new to our weight loss program and would like more information just call us and schedule your free medical what was consultation at 215-321-7336 and Lisa will set up your free consultation for you. Once again happy holidays and here are those great recipes I told you about.
If you need help achieving your weight loss goals I invite you to call us and schedule your free medical weight loss consultation at 215-821-7336. Call now and Lisa will be glad to schedule your free consultation for you.
Biscotti Low Carb & Gluten Free
- Ingredients:
- 1 large egg
- Swerve – ⅓ cup
- stevia extract – ¼ tsp
- butter – ¼ cup
- vanilla extract, sugar free – ½ tsp
- almond flour – 1 and ¾ cups
- xanthan gum – ¼ tsp
- unsweetened cocoa – ½ cup
- baking soda – ½ tsp
- salt – ¼ tsp
- cinnamon – 1 tsp
- Optional items include chopped nuts and sugar free chocolate chips
First we should preheat our oven to 325 F. Then in a bowl, stir or blend together the eggs, butter, vanilla extract, swerve and stevia. In another bowl stir together the remaining ingredients until they are mixed nicely. Then combine the ingredients of both bowls and you can add the sugar free chocolate chips and the nuts if you would like to.
Mold this into a nice big dough ball. Next grease a cookie sheet and spread the dough out and form your typical biscotti. Next we bake this for about 25 minutes, just until it’s slightly browned. Take it out of the oven and decrease the temperature to 275 F. Allow the biscotti to cool down for about 14 minutes and cut it into strips that are approximately one half inch wide. Then put the individual biscotti on their side onto the cookie sheet and bake them for another 25 – 30 minutes, or for as long as to takes for them to cook to a nice crispness.
This recipes makes about 15 biscotti and each has approx 2 grams of carbohydrates.
Oreo Cookies and Cream Cheesecake Low Carb
- Ingredients:
- Low carbohydrate chocolate cookies – one pound (the above cookie recipe is perfect for this)
- butter – ½ cup
- cream cheese – 8 ounces
- Swerve – ⅔ cup
- stevia extract – ½ tsp
- heavy cream – 1 cup
- eggs – 6 large
- coconut flour – 2 tbsps
- vanilla extract – sugar free – 2 tbsps
This is a really fantastic recipe. To start just take a 9 inch spring form pan and grease it. Then preheat your oven to 350°F. Next break up your cookies into very tiny crumbs. You can use your hands or just use your food processor to do this. Divide your cookie crumbs into two separate bowls and stir one half into your melted butter. You are going to take this butter and cookie crumb mixture and line the bottom of your springform pan with it.
After doing this place the pan in your refrigerator. Next you want to blend together your swerve, whipping cream and cream cheese. Make sure that you use a large bowl for this. When it’s nice and smooth you can add the vanilla, coconut flour and eggs and stir everything until it’s creamy smooth. Then take your springform pan out of the refrigerator and pour half of your cream cheese mixture over top of the crust. Then take the other half of your cookie crumbs and pour that over top and then just pour the rest of the creamy mixture over top of that. Next place this in the oven and let it bake for about an hour or so. You want to bake it for as long as it takes for the center to become very firm.
Finally take the cheesecake out of the oven and let it cool down. Personally I like to let it cool down for at least one hour and then you can remove it from the pan. For the best tasting cheesecake I like to leave it in the refrigerator until the next day. This is one of those recipes where there cake will actually taste better the next day. This recipe makes 12 servings each of them having about 3 – 4 grams of carbohydrates.
If you need help achieving your weight loss goals I invite you to call us and schedule your free medical weight loss consultation at 215-821-7336. Call now and Lisa will be glad to schedule your free consultation for you. Happy holidays and I hope you enjoy these recipes is much as I do.
Botox in Philadelphia
Hi everyone! I am happy to announce that we have added Botox and fillers to our practice! So call us now for your free consultation for Botox, fillers or weight loss – Call 215-821-7336.
If you are one of our patients in our Philadelphia medical weight loss center or our Bucks County medical weight loss center you know that we are always evolving to provide you with the best possible services to help you lose weight, improve your health and wellness and also to help slow down the aging process so that you can look fit and healthy and truly be fit and healthy. We like our patients to look good and also feel good.
And that is why we have added Botox and fillers to the list of services that we provide our patients.
So, this is just a quick announcement that we have added Botox and fillers to our services in addition to the weight loss, health and wellness services that we provide our patients. In another article I will add more information about Botox and fillers. But for now if you would like more information just call us and schedule your free consultation and we will be glad to help you in any way that we possibly can and answer all of your questions.
Now, to get back to our normal recipe post, here is a great recipe for you. With the holiday season upon us I know that all of us will probably be at a party or family gathering where the food choices may not be the best if you are trying to lose weight. So today I’m going to give you a really fantastic recipe for a low-carb spinach dip. It’s quick and easy to make and you can whip it up before you are heading out to a social gathering and you have something that you can enjoy while you are enjoying time with family and friends. Without having the stress over not following your nutritional diet plan.
Spinach Dip*
- Ingredients for the Dip:
- roasted garlic – one head
- frozen chopped spinach – a 10 ounce package – make sure it is drained and thawed
- chopped green onions – 1/2 cup
- cream cheese or sour cream – 1 cup
- mayonnaise – 1 cup
- chopped fresh thyme – 1 teaspoon
- fish sauce – 1 teaspoon
- Sea salt – 1/2 teaspoon
- smoked paprika – 1/4 teaspoon
- cayenne pepper – just a pinch
Let’s start by squishing the roasted garlic from the head and to either your food processor or even a blender. After that add the sour cream or cream cheese (whichever one you have chosen to use), spinach, thye, salt, paprika, spinach, mayonnaise and fish sauce. I would recommend that you take a small taste of this mixture while you are making it so that you could add more ingredients if necessary. Now, you can use this as a great addition to any meal, party event, watching football on Sunday and even watching the 76ers as they evolve into a major powerhouse. If you like you can search our website and find the recipe for the low-carb breads that we have listed here and you can use this for your dip. But for maximal health and weight loss I suggest that you try eating this with some cucumber slices, celery, broccoli, carrots or any other vegetable of your choice.
I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do and if you would like help with achieving your weight loss goals and/or improving your overall health and wellness please call us and schedule your free consultation. Call Lisa at 21582173362 be glad to schedule your free consultation.