We also have you complete a metabolic profile questionnaire that will help us in determining what type of nutritional food program would be the best for your body and metabolism; to achieve your weight loss goals. This will allow you to eat real and natural food to get the leaner, toner and firmer body that you desire. Most of our patients are truly amazed that they can eat real everyday food, and continue to lose inches and drop down into smaller dress and pants sizes.
We will tell you the best foods for you to eat for maximum fat loss. We will tell you when to start eating during the day, how often and how many times to eat during the day. We will give you the proper food combination strategies of proteins – fats and carbohydrates. Yes, believe it or not, we allow you to eat good, healthy nutritious fats. In fact, fats are extremely important to achieve weight loss, especially if you are a woman. We will then tell you when you should finally stop eating during the day and give you our own personal experiences and tips on how you will go to sleep with your hunger, actually being totally satisfied.
Remember that you will be taking an appetite suppressant medication; that was designed to decrease your appetite. So, you should have no difficulty in making the best choices in food to promote weight loss; and follow all of our nutritional recommendations. Most people are surprised at the amount of food that they get to eat on our program and they still lose weight.